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   Author  Topic: Virian Fitness Boot Camp  (Read 35601 times)

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RE: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #60 on: 2003-10-14 14:22:52 »
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I'm doing ok - lost another pound!  (167# now)  My trainer's away so I'm
sad.  I've only slacked one day, I took 2 days off last week instead of

Why does Kid-A smell of pasta?  I thought you were dipping your nails in
something icky... pesto?  Is it pesto you smell like? 

Oh, and I got about 60 ft on the discus the day I went and threw.  At
this point, the field is mud, so I won't be throwing again too soon.
See, a gravel field becomes a catbox in the dry... so when it rains it's
a particularly foul mudpit...

Hee hee

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Walter Watts

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Re: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #61 on: 2003-10-14 15:47:58 »
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If you take a friend with you on training days, PLEASE be sure they understand that's
a DISCUS in your backpack and not a frisbee before they square off across the field
from you.



<good to hear from ya>

Michelle Anderson wrote:

> I'm doing ok - lost another pound!  (167# now)  My trainer's away so I'm
> sad.  I've only slacked one day, I took 2 days off last week instead of
> one.
> Why does Kid-A smell of pasta?  I thought you were dipping your nails in
> something icky... pesto?  Is it pesto you smell like? 
> Oh, and I got about 60 ft on the discus the day I went and threw.  At
> this point, the field is mud, so I won't be throwing again too soon.
> See, a gravel field becomes a catbox in the dry... so when it rains it's
> a particularly foul mudpit...
> Hee hee
> -Michelle
> ---
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Walter Watts
Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.

"Reminding you to help control the human population. Have your sexual partner spayed
or neutered."

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Walter Watts
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Re: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #62 on: 2003-10-15 21:00:28 »
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I've been doing Bikram yoga for a month now and I agree whole-heartedly.  What style of Yoga do you do?  Many of the poses are designed to increase circulation, and I have cured my carpels. 

I also take Green Vibrance (www.vibranthealth.org), which had immediate benefits to restfulness and an overall feeling of health.

I was also intrigued by an article I read that certain forms of meditation have been proven to enhance cognitive ability. http://dpds.net/?0000ET

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mermaid" <hidden@lucifer.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 22:54:02
Subject: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp

wanted: updates!

i am not sure if its a direct result of the new workout routine..or if its because i wake up early
everyday for yoga at sunrise....there is an increase in energy and a noticeable increase in
appetite..but get this..i feel hungry often and at regular intervals..but i eat less..i feel 'full'
and satiated even when i eat less..i cant explain how this works...given that i am ravenous most
times! but it makes me feel better because i feel that i enjoy my food more these days...life has
fallen into a smooth routine as i have to wake up at a particular hour..the discipline is good..i
feel 'crisp' and some people tell me that i am pleasant company..if you can beleive that..as though
i wasnt cloyingly sweet already!!....

i am happy so far...discipline was my goal....i think i am almost there...what comes along with it
is very welcome and much appreciated..

relatedly or unrelatedly, i sleep lesser hours and have more vivid dreams....

how is everyone else doing?

This message was posted by Mermaid to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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RE: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #63 on: 2003-10-16 04:17:51 »
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Update then...have to confess that I have been a bit half-hearted about
the project - eating 'sensibly', taking infrequent advantage of
opportunities for brisk walking; really more psyching myself up than
living a discipline. No progress at all on the 'snus'.

But there is some momentum now. Information from a recent issue of 'Mens
Health' made it very clear to me that I am in remarkably good health;
it's remarkable that I am still alive at all. Suddenly I find that the
motivation to capitalize on this lucky happenstance has snapped into
sharp, even urgent, focus for me.

(Did you know that having any Afrikaner ancestry predisposes to twice
the heart-attack risk of either the Jewish or Indian populations? That
anyone who has 45 degree angle creases in the lobes of their ears had
better watch out: these are known as 'coronary ear creases'?)

So, off to the gym for the very first occasion of this particular
lifetime. Yep. I up and did it. And managed to work it into some slack
time in my routine as well, so it's a double win.

And it was great! Even after a very light workout I felt tremendous. And
the machines are much more fun too - with onboard computers, some of
them, so you can play little games in your head to while a way the
mindless tedium of brute exercise.

With regard to the Mermaids excellent idea of engaging in some sort of
mental rehabilitation program too, I have resolved to adopt the study of
logic as a specific hobby as opposed to occasionally reaching for it as
an emergency kit.

And so it was that I happened to find another little known factoid:

In 2002, (Sherlock) Holmes was inducted as an honorary fellow of the
Royal Society of Chemistry-the only fictional character so honored-in
appreciation of the contributions to forensic investigation.
Best Regards

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Gender: Female
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RE: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #64 on: 2003-10-17 17:23:55 »
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Updates!  I've lost another pound!  And I've stayed on the daily routine
- only skipping one day a week, if that.  This weekend should be a
challenge, though, because I will be out of town and celebrating a
family birthday.  Hm.  I think I'll make my dad jog with me. 

Congratulations, Mermaid!  Discipline is far more important than any
other payoff.  It must be very gratifying to be feeling it and getting
compliments from others on your improved mood - or is it self-image?
Hooray for you!


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Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #65 on: 2003-10-20 18:18:38 »
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good for you, michelle! dont be silly..its ok to indulge for a day..afterall, birthdays only come once a year...all this should be a way of life..not a chore

simul: i think its a combination of hatha+raja yoga...my formal instruction came from sivananda school of yoga although i was introduced to yoga informally..i dont know the name of the type of yoga i learned as a child..
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Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #66 on: 2003-10-21 11:35:29 »
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Aren't fluffy clouds great!


I still smell of pasta.

My house smells of sick....cordoned off to a solitary room now.

Still need to hide/drink left over alcohol.

5 fireworks left.

1 exploded traffic cone to dispose of.

Feeling good.

I have no money to buy milk.

Generally keeping up, days going fast.

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You're probably wondering why i'm here, well so am I, so am I.

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Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #67 on: 2003-10-30 11:12:37 »
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the six weeks are up. kudos to everyone who participated. i hope everyone will continue with what would have now become a familiar habit. good luck.
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Gender: Female
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RE: virus: Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #68 on: 2003-10-30 12:46:15 »
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Thanks!  It was a great way to kickstart ourselves!


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David Lucifer

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Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #69 on: 2003-10-30 16:38:27 »
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[Mermaid] the six weeks are up. kudos to everyone who participated. i hope everyone will continue with what would have now become a familiar habit. good luck.

[Lucifer] I've been keeping track of the amount of exercise I get, and I averaged 20 minutes per day, exceeding my goal of 15 mins. I was also hoping to drop another 5 lbs and came close, decreasing from 190 to 186.
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Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #70 on: 2004-09-02 16:00:41 »
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Quote from: David Lucifer on 2003-10-30 16:38:27   

[Mermaid] the six weeks are up. kudos to everyone who participated. i hope everyone will continue with what would have now become a familiar habit. good luck.

[Lucifer] I've been keeping track of the amount of exercise I get, and I averaged 20 minutes per day, exceeding my goal of 15 mins. I was also hoping to drop another 5 lbs and came close, decreasing from 190 to 186.

update! Lucifer has lost 40 lbs in a year(well..12 days shy of a year) since the boot camp began..well done, Lucifer!

do we have anymore updates? people? hello?
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Re:Virian Fitness Boot Camp
« Reply #71 on: 2004-09-02 20:55:55 »
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Update as of 9/2/04 -

I made a few lifestyle changes in the last year: 

1.  I eat much better than I used.  I've begun to diversify my diet.  Specifically, eating well-rounded meals, less sugars, and no soft drinks.  I've focused on eating more vegetables than I've ever done before and have incorporated eating more white meats (ie. fish and chicken) and reducing the amount of red meat in my diet. 

2.  I began an exercise regimen of walking every other day.  Sometimes I'll skip a day.  But, with the help, or rather insistence, of my girlfriend I keep on a regular schedule.  In addition, I attempt to walk to and from work a few days of work. 

3.  I have much more sex than I did in the previous year which has benefited me considering it's a good cardiovascular workout.  Hehe.   

I've not lost much weight because I didn't have much to lose.  But, I've noticed that I've slimmed down considering that my belly and lovehandles have been reduced. 

I still smoke on occasion and would like to cut that out completely.  But, it's difficult.  So, I've gone on the nicotine patch as a result.  Also, while this may sound blasphemous to a few, I'm trying to curtail my coffee intake.  We'll see how that one pans out. 

Take care,

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