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  Adventure.... a hollow voice: "look out behind you a dwarf with a knife"
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   Author  Topic: Adventure.... a hollow voice: "look out behind you a dwarf with a knife"  (Read 1440 times)

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Adventure.... a hollow voice: "look out behind you a dwarf with a knife"
« on: 2011-04-17 18:19:13 »
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For those that remember and for the uninitiated; you can experience the good old days when Fortran also was for writing games as well ....xyzzy ... plugh .... I've attached the one that works for me in a DOS window.


David Kinder's guide to Adventure downloads at the Interactive Fiction Archive

The Interactive Fiction Archive is the site for the rec.games.int-fiction newsgroup. It's a fascinating place to explore and has a lot of source code and executable programs for 'Adventure,' info on the history of the game, and info on interactive fiction in general.

You will probably find a version of 'Adventure' that you can run on your machine here. Thanks to David Kinder, we have this nicely formatted list of all the versions they have available.

The original: This is the original game as written by Willie Crowther and expanded by Don Woods.

    * The original PDP-10 Fortran source code. Every other version can be tracked down to this one. Not to be recommended for actual porting to modern machines though, as it has many dependancies on the nature of the PDP-10 (5 characters-per-word packing and the like).
    * Kevin Black's DOS version of his and Bob Supnik's DECUS version, available as a DOS executable.
    * Kenneth Plotkin's version, available as a DOS executable, MS Fortran source code and the PDP-11 Fortran source code from which the former was derived.
    * Don Ekman's version, available as a DOS executable and MS Fortran source code, derived from Fortran source for the PDP-11/70. There is also an Amiga executable, compiled from the MS Fortran source.
    * Colossal Cave Revisited, a TADS implementation by Dave Bagget, based on Don Ekman's DOS version. A TADS interpreter is required is play this version.
    * Adventure, an Inform version by Graham Nelson, based on the above TADS code. An Infocom interpreter is required to play this version.
    * Colossal Hugo, a Hugo version by Kent Tessman, based on the above Inform code. A Hugo interpreter is required.

In a same vane : http://www.churchofvirus.org/bbs/index.php?board=5;action=display;threadid=42052

Reply #3 attachment Leather.zip  'The Leather Goddess of Phobos' a pre-pixel classic with the feel of the old PDP-11 adventure game
« Last Edit: 2011-04-17 18:40:41 by Fritz »
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