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   Author  Topic: iConoclasm  (Read 2781 times)
Matt Arnold

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« on: 2004-08-10 15:11:16 »
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Does Virus have a little banner ad link that I can post to this page? This is an idea for a convention for the non-religious.
« Last Edit: 2004-08-11 09:21:33 by David Lucifer » Report to moderator   Logged

He believed in a door. The door was the way to... to... The Door was The Way. Good. Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didn't have a good answer to.
David Lucifer

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« Reply #1 on: 2004-08-11 09:25:39 »
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How many Engstrom's does it take?

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« Reply #2 on: 2005-02-02 14:57:52 »
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I like the top icon. Very cool.

Again, back to the question of application - where is it? Where have you had it graffittied, inserted, layered in? Where have people taken the image, made it their own, and put it into their art?

Is the church of the virus cascading?

What would make it cascade?  Whenever we go one step higher, the thing below cascades.

Local examples. The forums on the 'CoV teachings' aren't necessarily bursting with talking.

On the other hand, the other forums have quite a bit of discussion. Those other forums could be found other places - and yet if there were just a bbs somewhere, no one would post. HipMama had strong forums because the website was meta to the forums. The CoV BBS has talking because there is a guiding idea that brings people here. It's the central semiotic symbol.

There is another direction to go meta in.  Application. We can begin to apply the teaching of memetics.

In order to do so, the central teachings of memetics would suddenly cascade into clarity. To USE the teachings, we would collectively PARSE the teachings into the short versions.

Ideas don't cascade until a brain or group of brains explores the messiness of the idea, brings it down to a clearer version. The next brain brings it down to a clearer version, and the next brain parses it down to a clearer version.

In the end, we get catch phrases, bits of common wisdom. 

We can parse down memetics to common wisdom, and then refer to the common wisdom in people's minds.

I'm worried I am going to have to write a book in order to get my ideas heard. Action creates talking, neh?

What would happen if Dawkins showed up here?  And why isn't he?

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Hijacking everything ever knew about anything.
David Lucifer

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« Reply #3 on: 2005-02-05 14:58:39 »
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Quote from: deadletterb on 2005-02-02 14:57:52   

What would happen if Dawkins showed up here?  And why isn't he?

Dawkins mentioned the CoV in his forward to Susan Blackmore's The Meme Machine. I would guess he isn't here because he is busy writing books and lecturing. He isn't too interested in memetics anyway despite being the first to popularize it.

So you seem to have lots of great ideas. What do you think we should do concretely?
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