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  athe nonrex's poetry
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   Author  Topic: athe nonrex's poetry  (Read 1132 times)

Posts: 4289
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athe nonrex's poetry
« on: 2002-03-13 04:18:54 »
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Some submissions from athe nonrex, aka nick, athenonrex, garlomahoth, loki, chimaera, etc...
« Last Edit: 2002-03-13 05:44:20 by Hermit » Report to moderator   Logged

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999

Posts: 4289
Reputation: 8.88
Rate Hermit

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Re:athe nonrex's poetry
« Reply #1 on: 2002-03-13 04:22:03 »
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judas' children

    shallow reverberation,
    content in my swolen heart
    the pain of my soul.
    so hard to keep up with the pain;
    so hard to cange who i wanna be...
      so i don't.

    a pang of life
    beats me in my stomach...
    <the statue of mirrors
    shows you the depths of your soul.>
    and when i look inside of me,
    i see a little boy
    sitting on my shoulders,
    waiting for me to die-
    not morbidly,
                just to take my place.

    i want to let him...

By (c) nick mastro (my real name) 4-11-2000

Posted to the CoV
Subject: virus: statue of mirrors II- judas' children
Author: athe nonrex
Sent: Fri 2002-02-15 14:16
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With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999

Posts: 4289
Reputation: 8.88
Rate Hermit

Prime example of a practically perfect person

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my dear murphy (statue of mirrors III)
« Reply #2 on: 2002-03-13 05:43:20 »
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my dear murphy (statue of mirrors III)


    how could i believe
    that i could ever have
    anything i truely wanted?

    i am murphy's slave
    what i want shall never
    grace me.

    satisfaction knows not
    my name,
    nor shall it speak of me-
    even in a dream.

    woe is not an option,
    nor has it visited me.
    no disappointment lingers
    in my heart.

    what could i expect?
    that life would gain compassion?
    that a solitary wish could
    be fulfilled
    after so much denial?
    that i would not be stepped upon,
    my heart taken under foot
    my hope fed to lumbering goats,
    who's gaze is fixed in my direction only
    when i desire?

    and what could hope accomplish anyway?
    a prolonging of the enevitable?
    the unavoidable shadow
    of the tall dark handom man
    who's always was
    and shall forever remain


    my waiting in vain,
    what could i have done
    with all the time i spent waiting
    for you,
    my dear murphy?

    have i been numbed of the pain,
    or does it just seem so
    to prevent me from falling
    down the wrong side
    when i wobble on the brink-
    my brink-
    of insanity?


    saintly gestures,
    n'ver does any good come my way.
    a flirt, flaunt, tossing of the leather hair.
    then gazing, silently,
    upon what endevors i dare to cast into the aether,
    to see what the aether dares to cast back to me...
    always with you,
    and the smug smirk
    of having a tormented soul to view
    from your windowed lattice,
    pearched upon your grerat stale throne.

    hating you is not an option,
    my dear murphy,
    nor is anger,pettiness, nor violence.
    for if it were,
    my tongue would spew
    fire and rock,
    or prehaps ice and wind.

    but i am your slave,
    lucky even to be protesting you.

    loathing you is possible,
    but useless...
    i have no physical discourse at
    my disposal;
    not windowed lattice,
    each window a statue of mirrors,
    do i own.


    ...and forever will you dangle
    the carrot of desire
    in front of me.
    and though i wish to end the march,
    i cannot,
    but i could if you so desired,
    my dear murphy.

    for i am a slave to you,
    my dear murphy.
    and what i wish shall
    never be.
    this is all for you,
    my dear murphy.
    and this is all because of you...

By (c) nick mastro (my real name) 2/7/2002

Posted to the CoV
Subject: virus: statue of mirrors (part III)- my dear murphy
Author: athe nonrex
Sent: Wed 2002-02-20 13:50
« Last Edit: 2002-03-13 05:45:37 by Hermit » Report to moderator   Logged

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999
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