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IRC FAQ Collection
« on: 2002-03-08 21:21:32 »
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This thread contains information relating to IRC

FAQ: IRC - Commands and Servers

    This FAQ provides a quick introduction and longer reference to the commands which may be issued to the IRC servers implemented by the Church of Virus.

FAQ:The Joy of IRC

    This FAQ introduces IRC, suggests and suggests ways to begin using it.
« Last Edit: 2002-03-09 19:34:43 by Hermit » Report to moderator   Logged

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999

Posts: 4289
Reputation: 8.91
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FAQ:IRC Servers and Commands
« Reply #1 on: 2002-03-08 21:23:35 »
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FAQ:IRC Servers and Commands

URL: http://virus.lucifer.com/bbs/index.php?board=31;action=display;threadid=11574


Revision: 1B (Full BBS mark-up)

Author’s notes for revision: 1B
This FAQ has largely been generated by capturing the responses to the "help" command issued by the various IRC services.

In Progress

Abbreviated Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Church of Virus, 2002. All rights reserved. Unlimited distribution permitted in accordance with the terms of the Full copyright notice below.

This FAQ provides a quick introduction and longer reference to the commands which may be issued to the IRC servers implemented by the Church of Virus.

Table of Contents
    Author’s notes for revision
    Abbreviated Copyright Notice
    Table of Contents
    Services Command Reference
    OperServ (includes Global)
    Full copyright notice
    Authors’ addresses

Services Command Reference

All users should know how to use Nickserv, Helpserv and Memoserv
All Channel Operators, AOPS and SOPS should know how to use ChanServ
All IRCops should know how to use Operserv

All Servers have a built in documentation facility. Type "/msg servername help" or /servername help command" to learn more.

Services currently implemented are:

  • BotServ - able to provide a basic bot to channels
  • ChanServ - provides management, protection and registration for all channels.
  • Global - provides the ability for IrcOps to send messages to all users.
  • MemoServ - Provides the ability for users to send one another messages whether on or off line. Messages can be sent to individuals or channel operators.
  • NickServ - provides management, protection and registration for user "nicks".
  • OperServ - provides tools for operators and administrators to manage the servers and services.











NickServ Command Reference

NickServ allows you to "register" a nickname and prevent others from using it. If the nick is not used for 30 days, the registration will expire. The following commands allow for registration and maintenance of nicknames; to use them, type /msg NickServ command. For more information on a specific command, type /msg NickServ HELP command.


    Register a nickname


    Identify yourself with your password


    Modify the list of authorized addresses


    Make your nick an alias for another


    Set options, including kill protection


    Cancel the registration of a nickname


    Kill another user who has taken your nick


    Regain custody of your nick after RECOVER
    Other commands: UNLINK, GHOST, INFO, LIST, STATUS
    NOTICE: This service is intended to provide a way for IRC users to ensure their identity is not compromised. It is NOT intended to facilitate "stealing" of nicknames or other malicious actions. Abuse of NickServ will result in, at minimum, loss of the abused nickname(s).

NickServ Command Syntax

REGISTER password

    Registers your nickname in the NickServ database. Once your nick is registered, you can use the SET and ACCESS commands to configure your nick's settings as you like them. Make sure you remember the password you use when registering - you'll need it to make changes to your nick later. (Note that case matters! FIDO, Fido, and fido are all different passwords!)

    Guidelines on choosing passwords:

      Passwords should not be easily guessable. For example, using your real name as a password is a bad idea. Using your nickname as a password is a much worse idea and, in fact, NickServ will not allow it. Also, short passwords are vulnerable to trial-and-error searches, so you should choose a password at least 5 characters long. Finally, the space character cannot be used in passwords.

IDENTIFY password

    Tells NickServ that you are really the owner of this nick. Many commands require you to authenticate yourself with this command before you use them. The password should be the same one you sent with the REGISTER command.


    Drops your nickname from the NickServ database. A nick that has been dropped is free for anyone to re-register.
    In order to use this command, you must first identify with your password (/msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more information).


    Modifies or displays the access list for your nick. This is the list of addresses which will be automatically recognized by NickServ as allowed to use the nick. If you want to use the nick from a different address, you need to send an IDENTIFY command to make NickServ recognize you.


    ACCESS ADD achurch@*.dragonfire.net

    Allows access to user achurch from any machine in the dragonfire.net domain.


    ACCESS DEL achurch@*.dragonfire.net

    Reverses the previous command.


    Displays the current access list.

LINK nick password

    Links your nickname to another, effectively making the nick you are currently using an alias for the given nick. When you give this command, the access list for the nick you are using is deleted and replaced by that of the nick you are linking to; all memos for your current nick are added to the list of memos for the target nick (this may cause the nick to exceed its limit of memos, in which case you will need to delete some before you can receive more for either nick).

    Once the link has been established, your nick will be transparently converted into the target nick everywhere in Services, except for the NickServ UNLINK and DROP commands. For example, you can use either nick to read the same set of memos (and memos sent to either nick will go into the same list). If you identify for one nick, you will automatically be identified for the other as well. If either nick is on a channel's access list, then both nicks will get the same access privileges.

    In order to use this command, you must identify for your current nick (using the IDENTIFY command), and you must supply the password for the nick you wish to link to.

UNLINK [nick pass]

    Removes a link from your nick to another. When the link is removed, the nickname flags and access list of the previously linked nick are copied to your current nick and can then be independently changed. Memos are not copied; all memos will remain stored with the previously linked nick.

    By giving a nickname and password as parameters, you can unlink a nick besides the one you are currently using.

SET option parameters

    Sets various nickname options. Option can be one of:

    SET PASSWORD new-password

      Changes the password used to identify you as the nick's owner.

    SET LANGUAGE number

      Changes the language Services uses when sending messages to you (for example, when responding to a command you send).

    SET URL url

      Associates the given URL with your nickname. This URL will be displayed whenever someone requests information on your nick with the INFO command.

    SET EMAIL address

      Associates the given E-mail address with your nickname. This address will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the channel with the INFO command.


      Turns the automatic kill protection option for your nick on or off. With kill protection on, if another user tries to take your nick, they will be given one minute to change to another nick, after which they will be forcibly removed from IRC by NickServ.

      If you select QUICK, the user will be given only 20 seconds to change nicks instead of the usual 60. If you select IMMED, the user will be killed immediately without being warned first or given a chance to change their nick; please do not use this option unless necessary. Also, your network's administrators may have disabled this option.


      Turns NickServ's security features on or off for your nick. With SECURE set, you must enter your password before you will be recognized as the owner of the nick, regardless of whether your address is on the access list. However, if you are on the access list, NickServ will not auto-kill you regardless of the setting of the KILL option.


      Turns NickServ's privacy option on or off for your nick. With PRIVATE set, your nickname will not appear in nickname lists generated with NickServ's LIST command. (However, anyone who knows your nickname can still get information on it using the INFO command.)


      Allows you to prevent certain pieces of information from being displayed when someone does a NickServ INFO on your nick. You can hide your E-mail address (EMAIL), last seen user@host mask (USERMASK), and last quit message (QUIT). The second parameter specifies whether the information should be displayed (OFF) or hidden (ON).
      In order to use this command, you must first identify with your password (/msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more information).

    Type /msg NickServ HELP SET option for more information on a specific option.

RECOVER nickname [password]

    Allows you to recover your nickname if someone else has taken it; this does the same thing that NickServ does automatically if someone tries to use a kill-protected nick.

    When you give this command, NickServ will bring a fake user online with the same nickname as the user you're trying to recover your nick from. This causes the IRC servers to disconnect the other user. This fake user will will remain online for one minute to ensure that the other user does not immediately reconnect; after that minute, you can reclaim your nick. Alternatively, use the RELEASE command (/msg NickServ HELP RELEASE) to get the nick back sooner.

    In order to use the RECOVER command for a nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's access list, or you must supply the correct password for the nickname.

RELEASE nickname [password]

    Instructs NickServ to remove any hold on your nickname caused by automatic kill protection or use of the RECOVER command. By default, such holds last for one minute; this command gets rid of them sooner.

    In order to use the RELEASE command for a nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's access list, or you must supply the correct password for the nickname.

GHOST nickname [password]

    Terminates a "ghost" IRC session using your nick. A "ghost" session is one which is not actually connected, but which the IRC server believes is still online for one reason or another. Typically, this happens if your computer crashes or your Internet or modem connection goes down while you're on IRC.

    In order to use the GHOST command for a nick, your current address as shown in /WHOIS must be on that nick's access list, or you must supply the correct password for the nickname.

INFO nickname

    Displays information about the given nickname, such as the nick's owner, last seen address and time, and nick options.

LIST pattern

    Lists all registered nicknames which match the given pattern, in nick!user@host format. Nicks with the PRIVATE option set will not be displayed.

      LIST *!joeuser@foo.com
      Lists all nicks owned by joeuser@foo.com.
      LIST *Bot*!*@*
      Lists all registered nicks with Bot in their names (case insensitive).
      LIST *!*@*.bar.org
      Lists all nicks owned by users in the bar.org domain.

STATUS nickname...

    Returns whether the user using the given nickname is recognized as the owner of the nickname. The response has this format:

      nickname status-code
      where nickname is the nickname sent with the command, and status-code is one of the following:

        0 no such user online or nickname not registered
        1 user not recognized as nickname's owner
        2 user recognized as owner via access list only
        3 user recognized as owner via password identification

      Up to sixteen nicknames may be sent with each command; the rest will be ignored. No error message is generated if no nickname is given.

ChanServ Command Reference

ChanServ allows you to register and control various aspects of channels. ChanServ can often prevent malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting who is allowed channel operator priviliges. Available commands are listed below; to use them, type /msg ChanServ command. For more information on a specific command, type /msg ChanServ HELP command.


    Register a channel


    Identify yourself with your password


    Set channel options and information


    Modify the list of privileged users


    Redefine the meanings of access levels


    Maintain the AutoKick list


    Cancel the registration of a channel


ChanServ Command Syntax

REGISTER #channel password description

    Registers a channel in the ChanServ database. In order to use this command, you must first be a channel operator on the channel you're trying to register. The password is used with the IDENTIFY command to allow you to make changes to the channel settings at a later time. The last parameter, which must be included, is a general description of the channel's purpose.

    When you register a channel, you are recorded as the "founder" of the channel. The channel founder is allowed to change all of the channel settings for the channel; ChanServ will also automatically give the founder channel-operator privileges when s/he enters the channel. See the ACCESS command (/msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS) for information on giving a subset of these privileges to other channel users.

    NOTICE: In order to register a channel, you must have first registered your nickname. If you haven't, /msg NickServ HELP for information on how to do so.

IDENTIFY #channel password

    Authenticates you to ChanServ as the founder of the given channel. Many commands require you to use this command before using them. The password should be the same one you sent with the REGISTER command.

DROP #channel

    Unregisters the named channel. Can only be used by channel founder, who must use the IDENTIFY command first.

SET #channel option parameters

    Allows the channel founder to set various channel options and other information. The founder must use the IDENTIFY command before using SET. Available options are:

    SET #channel FOUNDER nick

      Changes the founder of a channel. The new nickname must be a registered one.

    SET #channel SUCCESSOR nick

      Changes the successor of a channel. If the founder's nickname expires or is dropped while the channel is still registered, the successor will become the new founder of the channel. However, if the successor already has too many channels registered (0), the channel will be dropped instead, just as if no successor had been set. The new nickname must be a registered one.

    SET #channel PASSWORD password

      Sets the password used to identify as the founder of the channel.

    SET #channel DESC text message

      Associates the given descriptive text with the channel. This address will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the channel with the INFO command.

    SET #channel URL [ url ]

      Associates the given URL with the channel. This URL will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the channel with the INFO command. If no parameter is given, deletes any current URL for the channel.

    SET #channel EMAIL [address]

      Associates the given E-mail address with the channel. This address will be displayed whenever someone requests information on the channel with the INFO command. If no parameter is given, deletes any current E-mail address for the channel.

    SET #channel ENTRYMSG [message]

      Sets the message which will be sent via /notice to users when they enter the channel. If no parameter is given, causes no message to be sent upon entering the channel.

    SET #channel TOPIC topic 

      Causes ChanServ to set the channel topic to the one specified. This command is most useful in conjunction with SET TOPICLOCK.

    SET #channel KEEPTOPIC {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the topic retention option for a channel. When topic retention is set, the topic for the channel will be remembered by ChanServ even after the last user leaves the channel, and will be restored the next time the channel is created.

    SET #channel TOPICLOCK {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the topic lock option for a channel. When topic lock is set, ChanServ will not allow the channel topic to be changed except via the SET TOPIC command.

    SET #channel MLOCK modes

      Sets the mode-lock parameter for the channel. ChanServ allows you to define certain channel modes to be always on (or off). The modes that can be locked are i, k, l, m, n, p, s, and t; each of these modes can be locked on, locked off, or not locked. The modes parameter is constructed exactly the same way as a /MODE command; that is, modes followed by a + are locked on, and modes followed by a - are locked off.

      Warning: If you set a mode-locked key, as in the second example below, you should also set the RESTRICTED option for the channel (see HELP SET RESTRICTED), or anyone entering the channel when it is empty will be able to see the key!


        SET #channel MLOCK +nt-iklps

          Forces modes n and t on, and modes i, k, l, p, and s off. Mode m is left free to be either on or off.

        SET #channel MLOCK +knst-ilmp my-key

          Forces modes k, n, s, and t on, and modes i, l, m, and p off. Also forces the channel key to be "my-key".

        SET #channel MLOCK +

          Removes the mode lock; all channel modes are free to be either on or off.

    SET #channel PRIVATE {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the private option for a channel. When private is set, a /msg ChanServ LIST will not include the channel in any lists.

    SET #channel RESTRICTED {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the restricted access option for a channel. When restricted access is set, users who would normally be disallowed from having channel operator privileges (users with negative access levels and, if secure ops is set, users not on the access list) will instead be kicked and banned from the channel.

    SET #channel SECURE {ON | OFF}

      Enables or disables ChanServ's security features for a channel. When SECURE is set, only users who have registered their nicknames with NickServ and IDENTIFY'd with their password will be given access to the channel as controlled by the access list.

    SET #channel SECUREOPS {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the secure ops option for a channel. When secure ops is set, users who are not on the userlist will not be allowed chanop status.

    SET #channel LEAVEOPS {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the leave ops option for a channel. When leave ops is set, ChanServ will never de-op a user in that channel except with the DEOP command.

    SET #channel OPNOTICE {ON | OFF} 

      Enables or disables the op-notice option for a channel. When op-notice is set, ChanServ will send a notice to the channel whenever the OP or DEOP commands are used for a user in the channel.

ACCESS #channel ADD nick level

    Maintains the access list for a channel. The access list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or access to ChanServ commands on the channel. Different user levels allow for access to different subsets of privileges; /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS LEVELS for more specific information. Any nick not on the access list has a user level of 0.

    ACCESS #channel ADD nick level

      The ACCESS ADD command adds the given nickname to the access list with the given user level; if the nick is already present on the list, its access level is changed to the level specified in the command. The level specified must be less than that of the user giving the command, and if the nick is already on the access list, the current access level of that nick must be less than the access level of the user giving the command.

    ACCESS #channel DEL {nick | entry-num | list}

      The ACCESS DEL command removes the given nick from the access list. If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted. (See the example for LIST below.)

    ACCESS #channel LIST [mask | list]

      The ACCESS LIST command displays the access list. If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the mask are displayed. If a list of entry numbers is given, only those entries are shown; for example:

        ACCESS #channel LIST 2-5,7-9 Lists access entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.


    By default, the following access levels are defined:


        Full access to ChanServ functions; automatic opping upon entering channel. Note that only one person may have founder status (it cannot be given using the ACCESS command).

      10 Access to AKICK command; automatic opping.
      5 Automatic opping.
      3 Automatic voicing.
      0 No special privileges; can be opped by other ops (unless secure-ops is set).
      <0 May not be opped.

    These levels may be changed, or new ones added, using the LEVELS command; type /msg ChanServ HELP LEVELS for information.


    Maintains the AutoKick list for a channel. If a user on the AutoKick list attempts to join the channel, ChanServ will ban that user from the channel, then kick the user.

    AKICK channel ADD mask[reason]

      The AKICK ADD command adds the given nick or usermask to the AutoKick list. If a reason is given with the command, that reason will be used when the user is kicked; if not, the default reason is "You have been banned from the channel".

    AKICK channel DEL mask

      The AKICK DEL command removes the given nick or mask from the AutoKick list. It does not, however, remove any bans placed by an AutoKick; those must be removed manually.

    AKICK channel LIST [mask]

      The AKICK LIST command displays the AutoKick list, or optionally only those AutoKick entries which match the given mask.


    The LEVELS command allows fine control over the meaning of the numeric access levels used for channels. With this command, you can define the access level required for most of ChanServ's functions. (The SET FOUNDER and SET PASSWORD commands, as well as this command, are always restricted to the channel founder.)

      LEVELS #channel SET type level

        LEVELS SET allows the access level for a function or group of functions to be changed.

      LEVELS #channel {DIS | DISABLE} type

        LEVELS channel DISABLE (or DIS for short) disables an automatic feature or disallows access to a function by anyone other than the channel founder.

      LEVELS #channel LIST

        LEVELS LIST shows the current levels for each function or group of functions.

      LEVELS #channel RESET

        LEVELS RESET resets the levels to the default levels of a newly-created channel (see HELP ACCESS LEVELS).

    For a list of the features and functions whose levels can be set, see HELP LEVELS DESC.

INFO #channel

    Lists information about the named registered channel, including its founder, time of registration, last time used, description, and mode lock, if any.

LIST pattern

    Lists all registered channels matching the given pattern. (Channels with the PRIVATE option set are not listed.)

OP #channel nick

    Ops a selected nick on a channel. By default, limited to those with level 5 access and above on the channel.

DEOP #channel nick

    Deops a selected nick on a channel. By default, limited to those with level 5 access and above on the channel.

INVITE #channel

    Tells ChanServ to invite you into the given channel. By default, only works if your access level on that channel is greater than zero.

UNBAN #channel

    Tells ChanServ to remove all bans preventing you from entering the given channel. By default, only works if your access level on that channel is greater than zero.

CLEAR #channel what

    Tells ChanServ to clear certain settings on a channel. “what” can be any of the following:

      MODES Resets all modes on the channel (i.e. clears modes i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t).
      BANS Clears all bans on the channel.
      OPS Removes channel-operator status (mode +o) from all channel operators.
      VOICES Removes "voice" status (mode +v) from anyone with that mode set.
      USERS Removes (kicks) all users from the channel.
      By default, your access level on the channel must be at least 10 to use this command.

MemoServ Command Reference

MemoServ is a utility allowing IRC users to send short messages to other IRC users, whether they are online at the time or not, or to channels (By default, any user with at least level 10 access on a channel can read that channel's memos. This can be changed with the NickServ LEVELS command.). Both the sender's nickname and the target nickname or channel must be registered in order to send a memo. MemoServ's commands include:

HELP  More information on available commands

SEND Send a memo to a nick or channel

LIST List your memos.

READ Read a memo or memos.

DEL Delete a memo or memos.

SET Set options related to memos

Type /msg MemoServ HELP command for help on any of the above commands.

MemoServ Command Syntax

SEND {nick | #channel} memo-text

    Sends the named nick or channel a memo containing memo-text. When sending to a nickname, the recipient will receive a notice that he/she has a new memo. The target nickname/channel must be registered.

LIST [#channel] [list | NEW]

    Lists any memos you currently have. With NEW, lists only new (unread) memos. Unread memos are marked with a "*" to the left of the memo number. You can also specify a list of numbers, as in the example below:

      LIST 2-5,7-9 Lists memos numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.

READ [channel] {num | list | LAST | NEW}

    Sends you the text of the memos specified. If LAST is given, sends you the memo you most recently received. If NEW is given, sends you all of your new memos. Otherwise, sends you memo number num. You can also give a list of numbers, as in this example:

      READ 2-5,7-9 Displays memos numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.

DEL [channel] {num | list | ALL}

    Deletes the specified memo or memos. You can supply multiple memo numbers or ranges of numbers instead of a single number, as in the second example below.

    If ALL is given, deletes all of your memos.


      DEL 1 Deletes your first memo.
      DEL 2-5,7-9  Deletes memos numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.

SET option parameters

    Sets various memo options. option can be one of:


        Changes when you will be notified about new memos:

          You will be notified of memos when you log on, when you unset /AWAY, and when they are sent to you.


          You will only be notified of memos when you log on or when you unset /AWAY.


          You will only be notified of memos when they are sent to you.


          You will not receive any notification of memos.

        ON is essentially LOGON and NEW combined.

      SET LIMIT [channel] limit

        Sets the maximum number of memos you (or the given channel) are allowed to have. If you set this to 0, no one will be able to send any memos to you. However, you cannot set this any higher than 20.

      INFO [#channel]

        Displays information on the number of memos you have, how many of them are unread, and how many total memos you can receive. With a parameter, displays the same information for the given channel.

      Type /msg MemoServ HELP SET option for more information on a specific option.

BotServ Command Reference
You are required to obtain permission before using a bot, and your bot has to be listed in the FAQ IRC section before connecting it to a server operated by Lucifer Media Corporation. Any unauthorized bots will be K-lined.

BotServ allows you to have a bot on your own channel. It has been created for users that can't host or configure a bot. Available commands are listed below. To use this bot, contact an IRC Admin (Either ask in #operhelp or use /who 0 o to locate one) and ask them to provide you with with access to a bot. To set it up for your channel, type Use “/msg BotServ command” with the following command. For more information on available commands while on IRC, type “/msg BotServ HELP” or “/msg BotServ HELP command”.

    HELP  More information on available commands

    BOTLIST  Lists available bots

    ASSIGN  Assigns a bot to a channel

    SET  Configures bot options

    KICK  Configures kickers

    BADWORDS Maintains bad words list

    Other commands: ACT INFO SAY UNASSIGN

BotServ will join any assigned channels whenever there are at least 2 users on it.

The following command is available only to Services admins:

    BOT Maintains network bot list

BotServ Command Syntax

BOTLIST  Lists available bots
ASSIGN #channel nick

    Assigns a bot pointed out by nick to the channel “channel”. You can then configure the bot for the channel so that fits
    your needs.

SET Option  Configures bot options. Option can be one of:

    Note: access to this command is controlled by the level SET.


      Enables or disables ops protection mode on a channel. When it is enabled, ops won't be kicked by the bot even if they don't match the NOKICK level.


      Enables or disables ops protection mode on a channel. When it is enabled, ops won't be kicked by the bot
      even if they don't match the NOKICK level.


      Enables or disables voices protection mode on a channel. When it is enabled, voices won't be kicked by the bot
      even if they don't match the NOKICK level.

    Syntax: SET channel GREET {ON|OFF}

      Enables or disables greet mode on a channel. When it is enabled, the bot will display greet messages of users joining the channel, provided they have enough access to the channel.

    SET channel FANTASY {ON|OFF}

      Enables or disables fantasy mode on a channel. When it is enabled, users will be able to use commands !op, !deop, !voice, !devoice, !kick, !kb, !unban, !seen on a channel (find how to use them; try with or without nick for each, and with a reason for some?).

      Note that users wanting to use fantaisist commands MUST have enough level for both the FANTASIA and another level depending of the command if required (for example, to use !op, user must have enough access for the OPDEOP

    SET channel SYMBIOSIS {ON|OFF}

      Enables or disables symbiosis mode on a channel. When it is enabled, the bot will do everything normally done by ChanServ on channels, such as MODEs, KICKs, and even the entry message.

    SET channel NOBOT ( Services admins only)

      Prevent a bot from being assigned to a channel

    SET botnick PRIVATE {ON|OFF}( Services admins only)

      Prevent a bot from being assigned by non IRC operators

KICK channel option parameters  Configures kickers

    KICK channel option parameters. option can be one of:
    BOLDS Sets if the bot kicks bolds
    BADWORDS Sets if the bot kicks bad words
    CAPS Sets if the bot kicks caps
    COLORS Sets if the bot kicks colors
    FLOOD  Sets if the bot kicks flooding users
    REPEAT Sets if the bot kicks users who repeat themselves
    REVERSES Sets if the bot kicks reverses
    UNDERLINES Sets if the bot kicks underlines

    Type /msg BotServ HELP KICK option for more information on a specific option. Note: access to this command is controlled by the level SET.

Maintains the bad words list for a channel. The bad words list determines which words are to be kicked when the bad words kicker is enabled.

    BADWORDS #channel ADD word [SINGLE | START | END]

      The BADWORDS ADD command adds the given word to the badword list. If SINGLE is specified, a kick will be
      done only if an user says the entire word. If START is specified, a kick will be done if an user says a word that starts with word. If END is specified, a kick will be done if an user says a word that ends with word. If you don't specify anything, a kick will be issued every time word is said by an user.

    BADWORDS #channel DEL {word | entry-num | list}

      The BADWORDS DEL command removes the given word from the bad words list.  If a list of entry numbers is given, those entries are deleted.  (See the example for LIST below.)

    BADWORDS #channel LIST [mask | list]

      The BADWORDS LIST command displays the bad words list.  If a wildcard mask is given, only those entries matching the mask are displayed.  If a list of entry numbers is given, only those entries are shown; for example:

        BADWORDS #channel LIST 2-5,7-9  Lists bad words entries numbered 2 through 5 and 7 through 9.

      BADWORDS #channel CLEAR
      The BADWORDS CLEAR command clears all entries of the bad words list.

ACT channel text

    Makes the bot do the equivalent of a "/me" command on the given channel using the given text.

INFO {#channel | nick}

    Allows you to see BotServ information about a channel or a bot. If the parameter is a channel, then you'll get information such as enabled kickers. If the parameter is a nick, you'll get information about a bot, such as creation
    time or number of channels it is on.

SAY #channel text

    Makes the bot say the given text on the given channel.

UNASSIGN #channel

    Unassigns a bot from a channel. When you use this command, the bot won't join the channel anymore. However, bot
    configuration for the channel is kept, so you will always be able to reassign a bot later without have to reconfigure
    it entirely.


    BOT ADD nick user host real

      BOT ADD adds a bot with the given nickname, username, hostname and realname. Since no integrity checks are done
      for these settings, be really careful. Note: if you create a bot that has a nick that is registered, it will be dropped. Also, if an user is currently using the nick, it will be killed.

    BOT CHANGE oldnick newnick [user [host [real]]

      BOT CHANGE allows to change nickname, username, hostname or realname of a bot without actually deleting it (and all the data associated with it).

    BOT DEL nick

      BOT DEL removes the given bot from the bot list.


      BOT LIST is an alias of BOTLIST and just lists all bots available on the network.

    Allows Services admins to create, modify, and delete bots that users will be able to use on their own channels.

OperServ Command Reference

Notice: All commands sent to OperServ are logged! Unauthorized use of these services is classed as abuse of services and may result in a K-line (banning from the server) or other appropriate action.

NB Use /msg operserv command to communicate with operserv. Use of “/operserv” will yield inconsistent results

GLOBAL Send a message to all users. Temporarily problematic. See the Command Syntax section below for an alternative.

STATS Show status of Services and network
OPER LIST List all Services operators ADMIN LIST List all Services admins

Commands available to Services operators and admins only:

MODE Change a channel's modes
KICK Kick a user from a channel
AKILL Manipulate the AKILL list

Commands available to Services admins only:

OPER Identify as an operator or modify the Services operator list
LOGONNEWS Define messages to be shown to users at logon
OPERNEWS Define messages to be shown to users who oper
JUPE "Jupiter" a server
RAW Send a raw string to the IRC server
SET Set various global Services options
UPDATE Force the Services databases to be updated on disk immediately
QUIT Terminate the Services program
RESTART Save databases and restart Services

Commands available to the Services super-user only:

ADMIN Modify the Services admin list

OperServ Command Syntax

GLOBAL message

    Allows IRCops to send messages to all users on the network. The message will be sent from the nick Global.
    The ability to use this is controlled by an O-line flag – or is it? [Hermit – but which one – that’s the rub ?]. Certainly there is a separate server. We may need to look under the hood to figure out what it is doing. Until this issue is resolved, a general message to all clients on Lucifer.com may be sent by e.g.:

      /msg $*lucifer.com This is a test message. Please ignore.


    Without any option, shows the current number of users and IRCops online (excluding Services), the highest number of users online since Services was started, and the length of time Services has been running.

    With the AKILL option, displays the current size of the AKILL list and the current default expiry time.

    The ALL option is available only to Services admins, and displays information on Services' memory usage. Using this option can freeze Services for a short period of time on large networks, so don't overuse it!

    UPTIME may be used as a synonym for STATS.


    Allows Services admins to add or remove nicknames to or from the Services operator list. A user whose nickname is on the Services operator list and who has identified to OperServ will be able to access Services operator commands.

      OPER nick password
      OPER ADD nick
      OPER DEL nick


    Any IRC operator may use the OPER LIST form of the command. All other use limited to Services admins.
    After adding or removing an Operator with the above commands, the operator must:

      /msg operserv update
      /quote rehash

    before it will be activated.

ADMIN(Limited to Services super-user)

    Allows the Services super-user to add or remove nicknames to or from the Services admin list. A user whose nickname is on the Services admin list and who has identified to NickServ will be able to access Services admin commands.

      ADMIN ADD nick
      ADMIN DEL nick

    Any IRC operator may use the ADMIN LIST form of the command. All other use limited to Services root.

MODE #channel modes(Limited to Services operators)

    Allows Services operators to set channel modes for any channel. Parameters are the same as for the standard /MODE command.

CLEARMODES #channel [ALL] (Limited to Services operators)

    Clears all binary modes (i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t) and bans from a channel. If ALL is given, also clears all ops and voices (+o and +v modes) from the channel.

KICK #channel user reason

    Allows IRCops to kick a user from any channel. Parameters are the same as for the standard /KICK command. The kick message will have the nickname of the IRCop sending the KICK command prepended; for example:

    *** SpamMan has been kicked off channel #my_channel by OperServ (Alcan (Flood))

AKILL (Limited to Services operators)

    Allows Services operators to manipulate the AKILL list. If a user matching an AKILL mask attempts to connect, Services will issue a KILL for that user and, on supported server types, will instruct all servers to add a ban (K-line) for the mask which the user matched.

    AKILL ADD [+expiry] mask reason

      AKILL ADD adds the given user@host mask to the AKILL list for the given reason (which must be given). AKILL DEL removes the given mask from the AKILL list if it is present. AKILL LIST shows all current AKILLs; if the optional mask is given, the list is limited to those AKILLs matching the mask. AKILL VIEW is a more verbose version of AKILL LIST, and will show who added an AKILL, the date it was added, and when it expires, as well as the user@host mask and reason.

      Optionally, an expiry time can be given with the AKILL ADD command. The expiry time precedes the user@host mask, and is specified as an integer followed by one of d (days), h (hours), or m (minutes). Combinations (such as 1h30m) are not permitted. If a unit specifier is not included, the default is days (so +30 by itself means 30 days). To add an AKILL which does not expire, use +0. If the usermask to be added starts with a +, an expiry time must be given, even if it is the same as the default. The current AKILL default expiry time can be found with the STATS AKILL command.

        AKILL DEL mask
        AKILL LIST [mask]
        AKILL VIEW [mask]

      The reason is intended for use by IRC operators only, and will not be displayed to users in KILL messages.

SET option setting (Limited to Services admins)

    Sets various global Services options. Option names currently defined are:


      Sets read-only mode on or off. In read-only mode, normal users will not be allowed to modify any Services data, including channel and nickname access lists, etc. IRCops with sufficient Services privileges will be able to modify Services' AKILL list and drop or forbid nicknames and channels, but any such changes will not be saved unless read-only mode is deactivated before Services is terminated or restarted.

      This option is equivalent to the command-line option -readonly.

    SET DEBUG {ON | OFF | num}

      Sets debug mode on or off. In debug mode, all data sent to and from Services as well as a number of other debugging messages are written to the log file. If num is given, debug mode is activated, with the debugging level set to num.

      This option is equivalent to the command-line option -debug.

JUPE server [reason] (Limited to Services admins.)

    Tells Services to jupiter a server -- that is, to create a fake "server" connected to Services which prevents the real server of that name from connecting. The jupe may be removed using a standard SQUIT. If a reason is given, it is placed in the server information field; otherwise, the server information field will contain the text "Jupitered by ", showing the nickname of the person who jupitered the server.

RAW text(Limited to Services admins.)

    Sends a string of text directly to the server to which Services is connected. This command has a very limited range of uses, and can wreak havoc on a network if used improperly. DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND unless you are absolutely certain you know what you are doing!

UPDATE(Limited to Services admins.)

    Causes Services to update all database files as soon as you send the command.

QUIT(Limited to Services admins.)

    Causes Services to do an immediate shutdown; databases are not saved. This command should not be used unless damage to the in-memory copies of the databases is feared and they should not be saved. For normal shutdowns, use the SHUTDOWN command.

SHUTDOWN(Limited to Services admins.)

    Causes Services to save all databases and then shut down.

RESTART (Limited to Services admins.)

    Causes Services to save all databases and then restart (i.e. exit and immediately re-run the executable).

Full Copyright Statement
Copyright (C) The Church of Virus (2002).  All Rights Reserved.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the Abbreviated Copyright Notice [supra] and this paragraph are included as an inseparable component of all such copies and derivative works, and that the terms of this copyright statement shall be binding on derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Church of Virus, except as needed for the purpose of developing further Church of Virus documents or as required to translate it into languages other than English, in which case the procedures for copyrights defined by the Church of Virus from time to time must be followed.
The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Church of Virus or its successors or assigns.
This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and the Church of Virus disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty that the use of the information herein will not infringe any rights or any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You are specifically warned that study of documents produced by the Church of Virus may lead to a permanent change in your attitudes or behavior as a result of exposure to the memeplexii and component memes embedded in such documents.

The authors of the IRC Services.



Authors’ addresses
« Last Edit: 2006-08-09 11:13:54 by Hermit » Report to moderator   Logged

With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999

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FAQ:The Joy of IRC
« Reply #2 on: 2002-03-09 16:55:10 »
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FAQ:The Joy of IRC

URL: http://virus.lucifer.com/bbs/index.php?board=31;action=display;threadid=11574


Revision: 1B (Full BBS mark-up)

Author’s notes for revision: 1B

In Progress

Abbreviated Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) The Church of Virus, 2002. All rights reserved. Unlimited distribution permitted in accordance with the terms of the Full copyright notice below.

This FAQ introduces IRC, suggests and suggests ways to begin using it.

Table of Contents
    Author’s notes for revision
    Abbreviated Copyright Notice
    Table of Contents
    Why IRC
    The Easy Way To Get Onto IRC

      If you need an IRC Client
      Via the BBS (No Software Needed)

    If you already use an IRC Client
    Why The Church Of Virus Has Its Own IRC Servers
    Client suggestions


    Full copyright notice
    Authors’ addresses


IRC is much harder to describe than to try - and many people, having tried it like it. We are trying to make the experience as painless as possible. If you think of it as IM on steroids, you will not be far off the mark. Unlike IM, IRC is primarily oriented at connecting groups of people to communicate (but being able to have private discussions if you like).

IRC allows people to "meet and greet" with far less formality and a lot more responsiveness than by eMail. It reduces the "performance pressure" of the main CoV list, and is intended to allow Virians to get to know one another. In some ways IRC is even better than voice conversations, as being less personal it allows one to disclose more information about oneself than one would do in person, without risk of serious embarrassment, yet is still allows time to consider what one is saying.

The Easy Way To Get Onto IRC

    Via the BBS (No Software Needed)
    If you haven't already, simply register on the BBS and you will then see an icon on the main menu at the top of the screen, which will take you to the CoV Java Chat Interface.

    Enter the nickname you would like to use on-line, and click "Join Chat." You will be connected directly to the IRC channel and can start talking to other Virians.

    If you need an IRC Client

    Download one of the following suggested programs [See Client Suggestions] into a temporary directory, making a note of the directory and file name where you are saving it. If you don't know what you are doing, we suggest that you connect to the #virus channel using the CoV chat service [see The Easy Way To Get Onto IRC above] and ask for help to install it.

    If you already use an IRC Client

    Connect to irc.lucifer.com:6667 and join #virus. If you need help configuring your client, we suggest that you connect to the #virus channel using the CoV chat service [see The Easy Way To Get Onto IRC above] and ask for help to install it.

Why The Church Of Virus Has Its Own IRC Servers

There are hundreds of IRC networks with millions of clients, even though, despite frequent rumors to the contrary, Cybersex only forms a small part of the activity which happens on IRC... So why create our own servers? There are two primary reasons.

  • Unfortunately, while only are small number of users on the IRC networks are "script-kiddies" and "wannabe 1337 H4X0r5", there are enough of them to make the experience trying - particularly for the novice IRCer. On our own servers, we should be able to control this kind of activity.

  • We hope to closely integrate our BBS and other services with the IRC to create a multi-access system suited to the needs of the Church of Virus. This would not be possible on other servers.

    Client suggestions

    Full Copyright Statement
    Copyright (C) The Church of Virus (2002).  All Rights Reserved.

    This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the Abbreviated Copyright Notice [supra] and this paragraph are included as an inseparable component of all such copies and derivative works, and that the terms of this copyright statement shall be binding on derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Church of Virus, except as needed for the purpose of developing further Church of Virus documents or as required to translate it into languages other than English, in which case the procedures for copyrights defined by the Church of Virus from time to time must be followed.
    The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Church of Virus or its successors or assigns.
    This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and the Church of Virus disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranty that the use of the information herein will not infringe any rights or any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. You are specifically warned that study of documents produced by the Church of Virus may lead to a permanent change in your attitudes or behavior as a result of exposure to the memeplexii and component memes embedded in such documents.




    Authors’ addresses
  • « Last Edit: 2002-03-09 19:35:31 by Hermit » Report to moderator   Logged

    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999

    Posts: 4289
    Reputation: 8.91
    Rate Hermit

    Prime example of a practically perfect person

    View Profile WWW
    FAQ: IRC - Acronyms and abbreviations
    « Reply #3 on: 2002-04-09 23:00:15 »
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    FAQ: IRC - Acronyms and abbreviations
    Report to moderator   Logged

    With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. - Steven Weinberg, 1999
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