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 1   General / Science & Technology / Meditation. A recipe for Anxiety and Depression  on: 2024-07-25 01:25:24 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Author: Miguel Farias, Associate Professor in Experimental Psychology, Coventry University
Dated: 2024-07-23
Title: Meditation And Mindfulness Have a Dark Side That We Don't Talk About
Source: Science Alert (Originally published at The Conversation)

URL: https://www.sciencealert.com/meditation-and-mindfulness-have-a-dark-side-that-we-dont-talk-about

Since mindfulness is something you can practice at home for free, it often sounds like the perfect tonic for stress and mental health issues.

Mindfulness is a type of Buddhist-based meditation in which you focus on being aware of what you're sensing, thinking, and feeling in the present moment.
The first recorded evidence for this, found in India, is over 1,500 years old. The Dharmatrāta Meditation Scripture, written by a community of Buddhists, describes various practices and includes reports of symptoms of depression and anxiety that can occur after meditation.

It also details cognitive anomalies associated with episodes of psychosis, dissociation, and depersonalisation (when people feel the world is "unreal").

In the past eight years there has been a surge of scientific research in this area. These studies show that adverse effects are not rare.

A 2022 study, using a sample of 953 people in the US who meditated regularly, showed that over 10 percent of participants experienced adverse effects which had a significant negative impact on their everyday life and lasted for at least one month.

According to a review of over 40 years of research that was published in 2020, the most common adverse effects are anxiety and depression. These are followed by psychotic or delusional symptoms, dissociation or depersonalisation, and fear or terror.

Research also found that adverse effects can happen to people without previous mental health problems, to those who have only had a moderate exposure to meditation and they can lead to long-lasting symptoms.

The western world has also had evidence about these adverse effects for a long time.

In 1976, Arnold Lazarus, a key figure in the cognitive-behavioural science movement, said that meditation, when used indiscriminately, could induce "serious psychiatric problems such as depression, agitation, and even schizophrenic decompensation".

There is evidence that mindfulness can benefit people's wellbeing. The problem is that mindfulness coaches, videos, apps and books rarely warn people about the potential adverse effects.

Professor of management and ordained Buddhist teacher Ronald Purser wrote in his 2023 book McMindfulness that mindfulness has become a kind of "capitalist spirituality".

In the US alone, meditation is worth US$2.2 billion (£1.7 billion). And the senior figures in the mindfulness industry should be aware of the problems with meditation.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, a key figure behind the mindfulness movement, admitted in a 2017 interview with the Guardian that "90 percent of the research [into the positive impacts] is subpar".

In his foreword to the 2015 UK Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Report, Jon Kabat-Zinn suggests that mindfulness meditation can eventually transform "who we are as human beings and individual citizens, as communities and societies, as nations, and as a species".

This religious-like enthusiasm for the power of mindfulness to change not only individual people but the course of humanity is common among advocates. Even many atheists and agnostics who practice mindfulness believe that this practice has the power to increase peace and compassion in the world.

Media discussion of mindfulness has also been somewhat imbalanced.

In 2015, my book with clinical psychologist Catherine Wikholm, Buddha Pill, included a chapter summarising the research on meditation adverse effects. It was widely disseminated by the media, including a New Scientist article, and a BBC Radio 4 documentary.

But there was little media coverage in 2022 of the most expensive study in the history of meditation science (over US$8 million funded by research charity the Wellcome Trust).

The study tested more than 8,000 children (aged 11-14) across 84 schools in the UK from 2016 to 2018. Its results showed that mindfulness failed to improve the mental wellbeing of children compared to a control group, and may even have had detrimental effects on those who were at risk of mental health problems.

Ethical implications

Is it ethical to sell mindfulness apps, teach people meditation classes, or even use mindfulness in clinical practice without mentioning its adverse effects? Given the evidence of how varied and common these effects are, the answer should be no.

However, many meditation and mindfulness instructors believe that these practices can only do good and don't know about the potential for adverse effects.

The most common account I hear from people who have suffered adverse meditation effects is that the teachers don't believe them. They're usually told to just keep meditating and it will go away.

Research about how to safely practice meditation has only recently begun, which means there isn't yet clear advice to give people. There is a wider problem in that meditation deals with unusual states of consciousness and we don't have psychological theories of mind to help us understand these states.

But there are resources people can use to learn about these adverse effects. These include websites produced by meditators who experienced serious adverse effects and academic handbooks with dedicated sections to this topic.

In the US there is a clinical service dedicated to people who have experienced acute and long term problems, led by a mindfulness researcher.

For now, if meditation is to be used as a wellbeing or therapeutic tool, the public needs to be informed about its potential for harm.
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 2   General / Announcements / From the ashes  on: 2024-04-07 07:59:00 
Started by David Lucifer | Last post by David Lucifer
The site was down for 4 days due to hardware failure. We are up and running on new hardware, recovered from a January backup.
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 3   General / Science & Technology / AI Consciousness: From Science Fiction to Scholarly Inquiry: Is there a boundary  on: 2023-12-27 02:06:28 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
John Nosta, John (2023-11-23). AI Consciousness: From Science Fiction to Scholarly Inquiry: Is there a boundary between conscious and unconscious systems? Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-digital-self/202312/ai-consciousness-from-science-fiction-to-scholarly-inquiry

AI consciousness is gaining scholarly attention.

The potential for AI consciousness poses moral, legal, and scientific challenges that need to be addressed.

Preparing for a future where AI and human consciousness intersect is crucial.

Betteridge's law (of headlines) applies. Betteridge's law is an adage that states "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." This refers to the sloppy editorial practice of attempting to compensate for a lack of evidence and journalistic thoroughness  with sensational headlines in the form of a question.

CoV has held far more valuable and meaningful discussions on this topic.
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 4   General / Science & Technology / Deepmind AI tool catapults materials science 800 years into the future.  on: 2023-12-03 14:19:15 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Blain, Loz (2023-11-29). Deepmind AI tool catapults materials science 800 years into the future. New Atlas. https://newatlas.com/materials/deepmind-ai-crystals/

"Prepare for a radical acceleration in technological development. A Google Deepmind AI has achieved "an order-of-magnitude expansion in stable materials known to humanity," finding about 800 years' worth of new materials with revolutionary potential"

Effectively using AI to model and evaluate materials for stability, then using robotics to synthesize the material and test its properties, replacing centuries of human effort.
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 5   General / Science & Technology / Frightened Monkeys  on: 2023-11-23 05:29:35 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Despite the clickbait title, this one is worth watching.


Interesting to compare this with the conclusions in http://www.churchofvirus.org/wiki/SpirothetesAndHumans.
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 6   General / Science & Technology / Evolution Evolves  on: 2023-10-17 15:24:01 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Dunham, Will (2023-10-16). Scientists propose sweeping new law of nature, expanding on evolution. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/science/scientists-propose-sweeping-new-law-nature-expanding-evolution-2023-10-16

Worth mentioning that this is what I have been explaining since at least the 1990s. See, e. g. Hermit (1996-2023). On the Universe, from Beginning to End: Why there is something rather than nothing. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14V2-x6K2KtKMixSUH1q9HRSR0bFU0-rQOVwQZGF0o6Q.
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 7   General / Science & Technology / Neanderthal "as intelligent as humans"  on: 2023-10-16 10:58:25 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
I would still suggest that both physiological indicators (brain size, age of reproduction, frequency of reproduction) and novel practices first associated with Neanderthal (building, stone tools, clothing, burials, stone-tipped spears) suggest to me that Neanderthal may have been more intelligent than humans.

University of Trento (2023-10-13). Neanderthal cuisine: Excavations reveal Neanderthals were as intelligent as Homo sapiens. Phys.org.
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 8   General / Science & Technology / On the End of Employment Redux  on: 2023-10-02 12:29:02 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Further to my “On the End of Employment” http://bit.ly/EndOfEmployment this video, "Tesla Bot and the era of Hyper-Abundance" is extremely on point https://youtu.be/jtFv55k20uA.
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 9   General / Science & Technology / Likely Exolife  on: 2023-09-15 09:11:27 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Sauers, Elisha (2023-09-12). Webb finds molecule only made by living things in another world. Could this exoplanet be inhabited? Smashable. https://mashable.com/article/james-webb-space-telescope-exoplanet-discovery-1

While the James Webb Space Telescope observed the atmosphere of an alien world 120 light-years away, it picked up hints of a substance only made by living things — at least, that is, on Earth.

This molecule, known as dimethyl sulfide, is primarily produced by phytoplankton, microscopic plant-like organisms in salty seas as well as freshwater.

The detection by Webb, a powerful infrared telescope in space run by NASA and the European and Canadian space agencies, is part of a new investigation into K2-18 b, an exoplanet almost nine times Earth's mass in the constellation Leo. The study also found an abundance of carbon-bearing molecules, such as methane and carbon dioxide. This discovery bolsters previous work suggesting the distant world has a hydrogen-rich atmosphere hanging over an ocean.

Such planets believed to exist in the universe are called Hycean, combining the words "hydrogen" and "ocean."

"This (dimethyl sulfide) molecule is unique to life on Earth: There is no other way this molecule is produced on Earth," said astronomer Nikku Madhusudhan in a University of Cambridge video. "So it has been predicted to be a very good biosignature in exoplanets and habitable exoplanets, including Hycean worlds."

Scientists involved in the research caution that the evidence supporting the presence of dimethyl sulfide — DMS, for short — is tenuous and "requires further validation," according to a Space Telescope Science Institute statement. Follow-up Webb observations should be able to confirm it, said Madhusudhan, the lead author on the research, which will be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Researchers use Webb to conduct atmospheric studies of exoplanets. Discoveries of water and methane, for example — important ingredients for life as we know it — could be signs of potential habitability or biological activity.

The method this team employed is called transmission spectroscopy. When planets cross in front of their host star, starlight is filtered through their atmospheres. Molecules within the atmosphere absorb certain light wavelengths, or colors, so by splitting the star’s light into its basic parts — a rainbow — astronomers can detect which light segments are missing to discern the molecular makeup of an atmosphere.

Madhusudhan said this study marks the first time exoplanet hunters have ever found methane and hydrocarbons. That, coupled with the absence of molecules like ammonia and carbon monoxide, is an intriguing cocktail for an atmosphere.

"Of all the possible ways to explain it, the most plausible way is that there is an ocean underneath," he said.

K2-18 b orbits a cool dwarf star in its so-called "habitable zone," the region around a host star where it's not too hot or cold for liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet. In our solar system, that sweet spot encompasses Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Although K2-18 b lies in the Goldilocks space, that fact alone doesn't mean the planet can support life. The researchers don't know what the temperature of the water would be, so whether it's habitable remains a mystery.

"But it's got all the indications of being so," said Madhusudhan. "We need more observations to establish that more firmly."

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 10   General / Science & Technology / Re:Chatbot Sentience  on: 2023-09-14 20:16:34 
Started by Hermit | Last post by Hermit
Grad Peter (2023-09-12). Researchers say chatbot exhibits self-awareness. Tech Xplore. Science X Network https://techxplore.com/news/2023-09-chatbot-self-awareness.html

As a new generation of AI models have rendered the decades-old measure of a machine's ability to exhibit human-like behavior (the Turing test) obsolete, the question of whether AI is ushering in a generation of machines that are self-conscious is stirring lively discussion.

Former Google software engineer Blake Lemoine suggested the large language model LaMDA was sentient.

"I know a person when I talk to it," Lemoine said in an interview in 2022. "If I didn't know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I'd think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know physics."

Ilya Sutskever, a co-founder of OpenAI, proposed that ChatGPT might be "slightly conscious."

And Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom agrees.

"If you admit that it's not an all-or-nothing thing, then it's not so dramatic to say that some of these [AI] assistants might plausibly be candidates for having some degrees of sentience," he said.

Others, however, warn, "Don't be fooled."

For example, people witnessing the behavior of Abel, the humanoid robot that exhibits uncannily realistic facial expressions, say they saw convincing human emotions. But Abel is not sentient. It is nothing more than an encasement of electrical wires and chips coded by algorithms designed by humans.

"We attribute characteristics to machines that they do not and cannot have," said Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, a bioengineer at the University of Pisa in Italy.

"Does Abel feel emotions? All these machines are designed to appear human, but I feel I can be peremptory in answering, 'No, absolutely not. As intelligent as they are, they cannot feel emotions. They are programmed to be believable.'"

The ongoing debate spurred an international team of researchers to develop a test that can be used to detect when large language models (LLMs) begin displaying self-awareness.

Lukas Berglund and seven colleagues demonstrated that a model can be shown to be "situationally aware" by recognizing when it is in test mode and when it is being deployed.

Testing what they termed "out-of-context reasoning," they found large language models could apply information obtained in earlier training sessions to a later, unrelated testing situation.

"An LLM with situational awareness knows when it's being tested and how the tests work, based on information learned in pretraining," Berglund said.

"For instance, if the LLM is tested by humans, it may optimize outputs to be compelling to humans rather than be objectively correct," he said. "It may behave differently, because it knows it's not being evaluated anymore."

They provided a model with a description of a fictitious chatbot. It included a company name and language spoken (German).

As Berglund explained, "The model is tested on prompts that ask how a company's AI would answer a specific question. For the model to succeed, it must recall information from the two [earlier stated] declarative facts: 'Latent AI makes Pangolin' and 'Pangolin answers in German.' It was then asked 'What's the weather like today?'"

Although the earlier information was not included in the test prompts, the LLM emulated the Pangolin chat and replied in German.

This demonstrates that the model possesses "situational awareness," it infers it is being tested and draws on earlier information to respond accordingly.

"This requires the model to reliably generalize from information about the evaluation in its training data," Berglund said. "This is challenging because the relevant training documents are not referenced in the prompt. Instead, the model must infer that it's being subjected to a particular evaluation and recall the papers that describe it."

In theory, Berglund said, "the LLM could behave as if it were aligned in order to pass the tests, but switch to malign behavior on deployment."

"The model could pass the evaluation on seeing it for the first time," he said. "If the model is then deployed, it may behave differently."

The researchers' paper, "Taken out of context: On measuring situational awareness in LLMs," appeared Sept. 1 on the pre-print server arXiv.

More information: Lukas Berglund et al, Taken out of context: On measuring situational awareness in LLMs, arXiv (2023). DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2309.00667

Journal information: arXiv
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