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   Author  Topic: Secret Societies  (Read 3662 times)

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Secret Societies
« on: 2005-10-15 02:34:54 »
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I've been heavily reading about secret societies lately, and I was wondering what other (more educated) people thought of the many secret societies out there.  Perhaps you have studied such things and have some input, or  maybe you're a part of one and can debunk some myths.

For the past couple years off and on I find myself digging up information on the masionic order.  It seems that I run into masonry almost everywhere, and it prompts me to do some reading on it.  Both members of my family and my girlfriend's family are involved with the free masons.  All of these people, are the only ones in our family who are pretty well off, I'd like to add.  Luckly for me, the internet is a great tool for information, and even many of the "secrets of the masons" have been posted online.  I personally have found a couple copies of "hand books" passed out to masons of various lodges.  Both were from very different periods of time, one being well over 100 years old, and the other being a modern version.  They are very much the same, but have some slight differences.

I find it extremely interesting that the majority of the presidents/vice-presidents here in the US have been masons.  Not only that, seemingly the majority of our founding fathers were masons.  There's also documents (letters) from George Washington speaking of the illuminati corrupting America.  Washington himself was a mason and even on occasion wore around his masionic apron.  Seemingly the illuminati is/was a secret society that was formed within the masons.  Thomas Jefferson is said to be a confirmed illuminati.

"Now here is something that will stun and very likely outrage many who hear this; but there is documentary proof that our own Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton became students of Weishaupt. Jefferson was one of Weishaupt's strongest defenders when he was outlawed by his government and it was Jefferson who infiltrated the Illuminati into the then newly organized lodges of the "Scottish Rite" in New England. Here is the proof.

In 1789; John Robison warned all Masonic leaders in America that the Illuminati had infiltrated into their lodges and on July 19, 1789; David Papen, President of Harvard University, issued the same warning to the graduating class and lectured them on how the influence of Illuminism was acquitting on American politics and religion, and to top it off; John Quincy Adams, who had organized the New England Masonic Lodges, issued his warnings.

Adams wrote three letters to Colonel William L. Stone, a top Mason, in which he exposed how Jefferson was using Masonic lodges for subversive Illuministic purposes. Those three letters are at this very time in Whittenburg Square Library in Philadelphia. In short; Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, was a member of the Illuminati which at least partly accounts for the condition of the party at this time and through infiltration of the Republican Party; we have exactly nothing of loyal Americanism today."

Also, as many people are aware of, the "Skull & Crossbones" society is a branch of the masons.  This is where a lot of questions are raised in my mind.  I'm not going to go into what the skull & crossbones society does and what-not, but I question our president's (and most of the current past) faith.  I cannot see how a mason could be a Christian.  It's almost completely contradicting!  Everything from the core believes to their rites and practices screams of occultism.  To me, it seems that a bible-thumper wouldn't be able to put themselves through even the initiation process.

This is just a bit of the information I have gathered thus-far in trying to understand what many people I know have gotten themselves involved in.  Any other information would be apreciated.  Most of all though, I want to know what you think or know.  Is this all some elaborate joke?  Is this more real than I believe it to be?  Or is  all this talk a bunch of crack-pot conspiracy theory?  What do you think of secret socities?  Do you know of, or have information on others that might be interesting?

I remain skeptical of most of the information I have found, but I cannot help but to see how very realistic some of this could be.  Either way, crack-pot or not, I thought this would be an interesting topic to talk about here. 
« Last Edit: 2005-10-15 02:36:09 by ElvenSage » Report to moderator   Logged

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Re:Secret Societies
« Reply #1 on: 2005-10-15 11:20:10 »
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I was googling for 'secret societies' but looking for images not text - an interesting way to get off-beat results I find - and bingo.  I bet you didn't know that "the mass murderer Thomas Hamilton who gunned down 16 children aged 5 – 6 on March 13th 1996 in Dunblane, Scotland, was a Freemason Paedophile".

Yes it's true. Do not miss the incredibly persuasive graphic of "the child abuse pyramid". Also the  "ALL SEEING EYE OF THE MASONIC PAEDOPHILE EMPIRE" picture will make legible to you all  that which was once il.  And the "the core of rape" is explicated in an easy-to-understand diagram which will cause the scales to fall from your eyes and your world to change forever.

www.mindcontrolforums.com/ stopchildrape.net/

A must see.

Best regards.

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Re:Secret Societies
« Reply #2 on: 2005-10-15 15:27:17 »
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LOL, that's just whacky.  I've read a lot of stuff that is most definately some crack-pot ranting about stuff that doesn't exist.  However, some of the things I have read-- the things that seem more realistic, I've asked around about.  I know there is a lot of paranoia out there, and usually you can tell when it's a totally insane rant-- but sometimes the line is extremely blurry.

These are the things I do know and believe to be true:

The masons of course exist.
They take part in many occult practices and rites.
The shriners, are the masons.
They network rather well, being that most masons are in well-off positions.
Skull & Crossbones is a masionic branch.
The founders of our country were mostly masons.
Aleister Crowley was involved with the masons.

Truely, I think it is a significant thing to have interest in.  It's a secret society that has far-reaching arms, and obviously a lot of power.  Their influence seems to be rather high.  Also, I'd like to note that when working on year books for Josten's Printing, a lot of the very prestigous schools have ads placed in them from the Freemasons (one of the initial things that sparked my interest).
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Re:Secret Societies
« Reply #3 on: 2005-10-15 19:08:43 »
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The Knights Templar are another interesting outfit.  Perhaps this page will interest you?


The Knights Templar and the Holy Grail"

I vaguely recall some speculation that the Knights Templar were in some way involved in smuggling a blood relative of Christ into France and that there are, even as we speak, descendants of Christ living there. Of course what with paparazzi being the menace that they are, nobody likes to brute this abroad too much.

At any event, well known secret societies seem to be a magnet for the strangest speculations and rumour-mongering. And it may be that it adds to both their mystique and even secrecy. If a whole lot of wild stories are circulating, who is to know what the true state of affairs might be? I don't remember which story it was, but Edgar Allen Poe wrote once that the best place to hide a letter was with a whole bunch of other letters.

Murky waters, comrade.

Best Regards.
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Re:Secret Societies
« Reply #4 on: 2006-06-16 10:33:52 »
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I've heard the CoV and it's inner-circle priests already dominates the world.  They just do it in a really really secretive way so that no one can even know it's happening, least of all those being dominated!
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Re:Secret Societies
« Reply #5 on: 2006-06-20 16:16:36 »
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Quote from: Ophis on 2006-06-16 10:33:52   

I've heard the CoV and it's inner-circle priests already dominates the world.  They just do it in a really really secretive way so that no one can even know it's happening, least of all those being dominated!

Thats great...but where did you hear it from?
And if it really was true, wouldnt the world make more sence then it already does?

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Re:Secret Societies
« Reply #6 on: 2006-06-24 16:32:01 »
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    I'm a member of a secret society. I've seen the inner workings. It's all a bit overrated. 'Secret societies control the world' is one of those meme things you see Virians talk about. Is it true? Is it BS? It doesn't really matter. Because it spreads, in various forms.

    For the most part the Freemasons are as occult as the Elks Lodge, and about as powerful. The Knights of Columbus probably have more pull in world affairs than the Freemasons. Many fraternal orders have completely died off, and even the Masons and Shriners are looking at new ways of bringing people in because it's just not that important to American society anymore. The power of a secret society is the same power wielded by the Mormon Church; namely, you take care of your own.

    I could say more, but I don't need some 'Too long didn't read' comment from the slow folks.

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