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2007-01-28 11:01:40 #virus from 2007-01-28 11%3A00::00 (showing messages 1-30) Bookmark the permanent url.
11:01:40SLacker[gallery] Lucifer Darrow: I guess it is time to start
11:01:43SLacker[gallery] Lucifer Darrow: anyone here?
11:01:47Sat* Sat rezzes a few tumble weeds
11:01:55SLacker[gallery] Lucifer Darrow: heh
11:03:02goombathats all i have to say
11:04:07Satgive a hoot!
11:04:38goombai did, i dont have any left though
11:05:06levitation[A]so, where would You like to live, if that 10-year thing Sat pointed at really happens? Is there a place according to these models, that will sustain best conditions by climatic and economical/social criteria?
11:05:06Lucifer* Lucifer refrains from polluting
11:07:12SatIf that 10 year thing happens we all be hosed, given the massive dislocation of populations and economic crisis.
11:07:27Satnot to mention the accompanying warfare
11:08:28SLacker[gallery] IRC: Lucifer: test
11:09:22levitation[A]yes Sat, I'm including these massive events in my question. Is there some safer place?
11:09:36LuciferThe weekly chat is in progress
11:09:39Lucifer* Lucifer points to the topic
11:09:56goombado we have the right to discriminate against the topic :o
11:10:43Luciferwe can discuss DOOM scenarios in an hour
11:10:45Sat* Sat discriminates against goomba
11:10:56levitation[A]I did not expect discussion right away anyway. So its ok
11:11:08levitation[A]i'm gonna leave for a while now
11:12:22LuciferSo to jump to the chase what I'd like to discuss is the fairness of anti-discrimination laws
11:13:32SatWell they're a tad illogical because they discriminate against a class of people.
11:13:42LuciferWhy is it OK to discriminate in some cases but not others?
11:13:47Sat* Sat raises an eyebrow and chortles
11:14:02LuciferIs there any reasonable logical foundation?
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