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2006-12-10 11:00:51 #virus from 2006-12-10 11%3A00::00 (showing messages 1-30) Bookmark the permanent url.
11:00:51Satsome prrof like that would make the religions of the world go wild.
11:01:06Satthere'd be complete global conflict in no time I'd bet
11:01:08Lucifer* Lucifer nods
11:01:41Luciferoops, it is past 11
11:01:55LuciferTime for the weekly chat
11:02:15LuciferThank you all for coming (Sat)
11:02:28SecondLife[tower] Lucifer Darrow waves
11:02:38Luciferand Lucifer Darrow
11:03:04LuciferThis week's topic is "rational goals"
11:03:21LuciferIt was motivated by recent discussions on the ExI list
11:03:41LuciferOn the nature of rationality, goals, and "rational irrationalism"
11:04:32LuciferFirst I'd like to deal with "rational irrationalism"
11:04:56Sat* Sat nods
11:05:10LuciferMany posters provided examples of actions that appear irrational but are actually rational from the point of view of the actor
11:05:35LuciferI wouldn't count those as rational irrationalism
11:06:09LuciferIf the action can be justified rationally then it is rational period, despite appearances
11:06:35LuciferMine many objection to that whole thread was everyone seemed to fail to distinguish between logical and rational
11:07:40LuciferOf course you get irrational decisions logically following from irrational assumptions (beliefs and goals)
11:08:04LuciferBy logical I mean that the chain of inferences is valid at every step
11:08:52LuciferBut rational is more than logical, to be rational your assumptions have to be rational
11:09:17LuciferAnd for those to be rational they have to be derived by a rational method
11:09:27LuciferEmpiricism for beliefs
11:09:50Luciferaka skepticism, agnosticism, scientific method, Bayesianism
11:10:31Luciferbut what about goals?
11:11:06Sat* Sat thinks
11:11:14goombawhat about them :o
11:11:35LuciferA particular goal can be rational in terms of beliefs and a higher goal
11:12:43goombait seems like a goal would only be irrational if it conflicts with other goals
11:12:51goombaof greater importance
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