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2006-07-09 11:00:52 #virus from 2006-07-09 11%3A00::00 (showing messages 1-30) Bookmark the permanent url.
11:00:52SLackerSat Batra: ready Futura?
11:01:05SLackerLucifer Darrow: ready googlebot?
11:01:07SLackerFutura: Who are you talking about?
11:01:07googlebotalmost never
11:01:23SLackerLucifer Darrow: OK, let's get started
11:01:42SLackerSat Batra takes a seat
11:01:50SLackerLucifer Darrow: the topic today is "The relation between rationality and happiness"
11:02:21SLackerLucifer Darrow: does rationality lead to happiness?
11:02:31SLackerLucifer Darrow: are rational people happier on average?
11:02:35SLackerSat Batra ponders
11:02:48SLackerLucifer Darrow: What have we seen empirically?
11:02:57SLackerLucifer Darrow: What do we expect theoretically?
11:03:09SLackerSat Batra: I think that depends on the application of rationality in a given case.
11:03:12SLackerLucifer Darrow: If there are discrepancies, how do we explain it?
11:03:41SLackerLucifer Darrow: How so, Sat?
11:03:58SLackerSat Batra: As in Q praxis as a rational method as applied to one's own life.
11:04:13SLackerSat Batra: In that case I see rationality as increasing happiness...
11:04:22SLackerLucifer Darrow: You will have to explain "Q praxis" to the newcomers
11:04:32SLackerSat Batra: as rational choices are most ofter best for the individual...
11:04:55SLackerSat Batra: Q being, in short, a measure for quality in ones life...
11:05:18SLackerLucifer Darrow nods
11:05:25SLackerSat Batra: praxis being a methodology or application of theory.
11:06:00SLackerLucifer Darrow: so "Q praxis" is the practice of applying rationality to increase one's happiness?
11:06:14SLackerSat Batra: on the other hand the rational person may encounter mental anguish when examining the world around himself in it's unrational state.
11:06:22SLackerSat Batra: In this context yes Lucifer.
11:06:45SLackerSat Batra: I;d define Q praxis as taking the theory of Q and applying it to one's life...
11:07:05SLackerSat Batra: Rationality is one of the methods of Q increase... a major one.
11:07:16SLackerLucifer Darrow: what other methods are there?
11:07:31SLackerSat Batra: As increasing Q, or long term overall life quality...
11:07:43SLackerLucifer Darrow: we'll focus on rationality in this chat, I'm just curious about other methods
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