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2005-04-19 19:00:16 #virus from 2005-04-19 19%3A00::00 (showing messages 1-30) Bookmark the permanent url.
19:00:16Lucifertime to chat
19:00:31LuciferTonight's topic is "Why do males rule?"
19:00:46Luciferthanks for coming, everyone
19:00:54Lucifer* Lucifer offers everyone a frosty beer to get started
19:01:25LuciferTo start, does anyone here deny that males rule?
19:01:46hkhensonis anybody here?
19:01:52Lucifer3 of us at least
19:01:58OphisI think males have direct rules. Females can however have some serious indirect influence
19:02:24hkhensonI think we should all bash a fem over the head and drag them into our caves.
19:02:30OphisUltimately it has to come down to physical strength doesn't it?
19:02:31Luciferinteresting point, Ophis
19:03:09LuciferNo one doubts males are overwhelmingly over-represented in positions of power no matter where you look
19:03:10hkhensonlong range, fems shaped males.
19:03:21Luciferbut it could be the case that females actually rule behind the scenes
19:03:28Luciferif they control the apparent leaders
19:03:29hkhensonthey wouldn't mate with the loosers

aCog (rhino@[death to spam].ppp22-adsl-95.ath.forthnet.gr) has joined #virus


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19:03:41Ophis"civil society" tries to minimize the use of force in conflict resolution but ultimately, the threath of force is always present

aCog is now known as rhino

19:03:48hkhensonsome of those breeding programs are amazing
19:03:51hkhensonlike the jews

WW (~wlwatts@[death to spam].ip70-185-193-73.ok.ok.cox.net) has joined #virus


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19:03:58Lucifer* Lucifer welcomes rhino with a tasty cheese snack
19:04:04Luciferhey WW, wb
19:04:18WWhey Lucifer
19:04:24LuciferI noticed you mentioned a jewish breeding program in #sl4, hkhenson
19:04:28Lucifercare to elaborate?
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