Re: virus: Antigravity propulsion update

From: rhinoceros (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 18:26:38 MDT

Ladies and gentlemen I give you ...

The Holy Grail!

Of course I'm totally incompetent to critique this stuff. Somebody talk to me!

Warm regards.

Overview of Electrogravitation As A Unified Field Theory by Jerry E. Bayles
Date: January 05, 2002

I hated to make any mundane comments, but since you asked... I think you have wandered too far away.

The author makes it clear that his work is "unfamiliar to mainstream physics". I am pretty sure the statement "the gravitational constant G was perhaps a barrier to a successful description of a unified gravitational action theory in that the units may need to be modified" as "Feynman suggested" would be unfamiliar even to Feynman.

Then there is no experimental support, no peer review, no known works by the author, and there is also his site:

This work presents a study of electrogravitational field mechanics leading to a solution of the actual gravitational mechanism.


(05-29-2002) The Great Pyramid's mathematical geometry is connected to the fine structure constant and my derived quantum torus. GO: GREATPYRAMID


UPDATE:(11-09-2001):New HTML paper explains and correlates the test results of Fran De Aquino, Chrish Hardeman, Jean Louis Naudin, Steve Burns, Jerry E. Bayles (below) and others: 'Quantum Uncertainty Rules.' GO: RULES
<end quote>

In fact, there *is* a kind of peer review. It is between these guys mentioned here, some of whom have e-books and books out of print on, and perhaps the Electrical Spacecraft Journal, the New Energy News, and UFO Sightings.

This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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