virus: Hokay, Guyz-n-Galz

Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 23:22:17 MDT

The articles I posted on the dire threat that Saddam Hussein poses to
not only the region, but also to the stability of the world at large, should
be sufficient to stimulate debate, and also to counter Hermit's apparent
claim that it is safer for the US in particular and the world in general for
everyone to sit quietly with our collective thumbs up our asses waiting
to be atomically microwaved than to deal once and for all with the
palpable and progressive threat of a malevolent Saddam-ruled, oil-
wealthy and nuke-hungry Iraq.

And now Hermit will accuse me of spamming the list with articles from
such extremist and biased sources as the BBC News, Time, the
Washington Post, etc.; accusations he of course would never make had
the theme of the articles been SADDAM HUSSEIN: THE CUTE AND

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