Re: Re:virus: Finding the Golden Mean Middle Way

Date: Sat Aug 03 2002 - 23:13:34 MDT

On 3 Aug 2002 at 21:57, ben wrote:

> [Joe]
> You attacked not what I said, but what you erroneously though that I
> thought. If you could actually pull off such a feat of mindreading,
> you
> could make a cool mil from the Amazing randi.
> [Ben]
> Normally what people say is a representation of what they think.
> Perhaps in your case this is not true?
In this case, what you assumed was a misrepresentation of both what I
think, and more importantly, what I SAID.
> [Joe]
> If necessary, I will repost your lie 1200 times until the reality of
> it seeks
> through your neanderthaline skull and pathological denial mechanisms
> into what poorly passes for your brain.
> [Ben]
> Are we having fun yet? Clearly you have lost all interest in the
> actual topic of the original conversation, but I do admit you have a
> way with words. Anyways, gotta run, some of my pathological mechanisms
> are scheduled for maintenance.
Before you restart the 'brown people' libel I think that you should know
that, not only am I an eclectic Wiccan Pagan with an intererest in
Chaos Magick metasystems, living with a Soka Gakkai Buddhist
(Martha), but also I am part Native American (my mother, Avie, is a
fundamentalist Southern Baptist, and we nevertheless all get along well
together with tolerance and mutual respect, something that would be
impossible were one of us a radical extrtemist Wahhabist or Deobandi
Muslim), and a Cherokee great-grandmother of mine was forced by a
more primitive US government to trudge the Trail of Tears between
Mississsippi and Oklahoma, dying along the way. Her daughter did not
have to make the trip because she was married to one of my my
grandfathers, a Caucasion. That would never happen here today; but
things that have happened hundreds of years ago could easily happen
in the still-dark ages of Islam, with the difference that the available
weapons are exponentially more horrific.
        An attack upon this land and people, which I dearly cherish,
and its governmental system, which is not without substantial flaws, but
is evolutionary in construction, so that those flaws may be, as many
have been (such as slavery and women's suffrage) progressively
addressed and fairly resolved, rather than frozen in antiquated eras and
attitudes for all time by the pronouncements of a purportedly infallible
Book, and whose laws of universal adult suffrage and an inclusive Bill
of Rights, which permits me a both a voice in my own affairs and basic
freedom protections from a disagreeing majority, is an attack upon my
natural and adopted tribe, and I take such aggression very seriously.
> -ben

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