Help Wanted
Before you start, if you have not already visited the pages linked from VirianWiki and in particular, WikiPolicy and WikiHints, now would be a good time to do so.
If you are looking for work to do, try visiting:
WorkInProgress and looking at entries needing attention or writing.
VoteCalledFor and WikiAffirmed and examine the pages carefully.
If you agree with them, add [VectorWhoever
] to the VoteCalledFor or WikiAffirmed lines.
Otherwise edit the page until you are satisfied and then delete other affirmers and add [VectorWhoever
] to the affirmation line, or
Add a line complying with the requirements of WikiObjection
VirianLexicon and examine the format used for each word. Then visit VirusLexicon and edit each entry to meet the requirements of VirianLexicon. Where you cannot figure out how to handle something, simply skip to the next entry or having done most of the work, add a WorkInProgress or AdminAttention flag.
The same process is needed for InterestingPeople which will move to WikiPerson (See the example at PersonKohlbergLawrence) and VirusPerspective which will become VirianPerspective. In the case of people, a new page should be created according to the naming rules at WikiPerson and the data transfered from the old page to the new. Only when you are certain that the new page is correctly stored, should the old page be deleted (simply erase all the contents and select [Save]).
Q. Can we rename all "Virus"Whatevers to "Virian"Whatevers? VectorHermit
A. Not easily. Perhaps someone with PHP skills would like to add a new feature to PhpWiki to rename pages (including all existing links). DavidLucifer
Any volunteers?
Q. What is the significance of
A. Glenn Grant -
AdminAttention VectorFlux Suggests Q. Can each Wiki edit page have a link to