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The goal of this project is to generate a list of quiz questions and answers for the trivia game at CastleRadiance in SecondLife.


The trivia game is intended to give new people an entertaining introduction to the CoV. Questions should be about VirianDoctrine, VirianSaints, VirianHistory?, skepticism, humanism, religion, and philosophy.


The questions should be 80 characters or less. The correct answer must be short, 10 characters or less.

The Trivia game requires each question to be followed by 6 answers, followed be the number of the correct answer. To give you an idea, here are some of the questions provided with the game:

Which is the fastest land mammal?,Panther,Deer,Greyhound,Cheetah,Lion,Cougar,4
What colour is the bottom stripe on the flag of Germany?,Red,Yellow,Orange,White,Green,Blue,2
In what year was the first bikini shown at a fashion show?,1935,1938,1942,1946,1950,1954,4
In the game of Pokemon what colour is Pikachu?,Pink,Blue,Green,Red,Yellow,Orange,4

See VirianProjects

Version 2, saved on Saturday, March 3, 2007 11:10:11 am.