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Able to clone himself at will Kid-a otherwise known as Kid-A, Dude-X, prepubescent-T..etc Newcomer to the CoV, but willing and able to throw in sarcasm and snide remarks on the #virus channel.

I'm me, i can't type very fast but I don't sleep, which comes in handy.

I'm 18 from Lincolnshire a.k.a Shithole of the east. East Midlands UK

Personality Type-ENTJ


hmm apparently i'm

Paranoid Schizoid Schizotypal Antisocial Borderline to a very high degree Obsessive Compulsive Now this confuses me, is this a good thing? it didn't say

My current playlist is too long.

Prefered suicide - Drowning

Version 1, saved on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:49:06 pm.