Belief Systems

Lucifer has programmed two new types of objects for TheIdeosphere, belief systems and memes. To host memes you have to be carrying a belief system (which might be named "bs" or "mind" or something similar). If you look at a belief system it will tell you which memes it contains. While you are carrying the belief system you can use the following commands:


Syntax: adopt <meme>

Moves a object named <meme> that you are carrying into your belief system. If successful it will say "You now believe in <meme>." Only meme objects may be adopted. A meme object is any object with a .actions property and/or a .thoughts property.


Syntax: reject <meme>

Moves a meme object from your belief system into your inventory. If successful it will say "You no longer believe in <meme>."


Syntax: infect <who> with <meme>

This will copy the meme and transfer it to <who>, who must be another user. The meme must be in your belief system in order to infect someone else. You must have enough credits (currently 100) to create a new object, otherwise you will get a credit error. If you don't have enought credits, ask for some from someone who does.

engage <bs>

This will activate your belief system, which causes it to periodically pick a random meme from you belief system and make you do or say something according to that meme.

disengage <bs>

This will deactivate your belief system so that you regain total control of your actions.

Creating memes

Create new memes is a simple process. First create a new object, then specify the actions and/or thoughts properties. In this example I create a $thing (generic object) named Trekkie. I then set the description and look at it to make sure the description is OK. I then used the built-in moo editor to add 3 lines to the .thoughts property. Next I added 3 to the .actions property. Then I go back and add 2 more lines to the .thoughts property. When I finish the meme has 5 thoughts and 3 actions. Finally I adopt the meme so I can infect others with it.

@create $thing as Trekkie
>Trekkie created as object #193.
l Trekkie
>You see nothing special.
@set Trekkie.desc to This meme is wearing spock ears.
l Trekkie
>This meme is wearing spock ears.
@edit Trekkie.thoughts
[MOOP Editor -- enter .? for help]
Editing Commands:
   .l   List
   .d   Delete Last Line
   .da  Delete All Lines
   .x   Save & Exit ('x' is optional)
   .q   Quit (Abort)
Live long and prosper.
What would Kirk do?
Spock is way cool.
@edit Trekkie.actions
>[MOOP Editor -- enter .? for help]
mumbles something in Klingon.
strokes the tribble.
sets phasers to stun.
@edit Trekkie.thoughts
[MOOP Editor -- enter .? for help]
edit>---- Current Buffer ----
Live long and prosper.
What would Kirk do?
Spock is way cool.
Beam me up, Scottie.
Make it so.
edit>---- Current Buffer ----
Live long and prosper.
What would Kirk do?
Spock is way cool.
Beam me up, Scottie.
Make it so.
l bs
>The belief system contains:
adopt Trekkie
You now believe in Trekkie.
l bs
>The belief system contains:

Last edited on Friday, February 28, 2003 3:47:31 pm.