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Can the word belief be replaced with memo, short for MEntal MOdel?

The word I am looking for means "cognitive content that an agent categorizes as true".

Consider a statement X that could potentially be a fact, e.g. "Alice was born in NYC" or "Quebec City is Canada's capital" or "The earth is over 4 billion years old". Which of the following are synonymous? Which are logically connected (so that the truth of one implies the truth of another)?

  1. X.
  2. X is true.
  3. Bob thinks that X.
  4. Bob believes X.
  5. Bob considers X to be true.
  6. Bob holds X to be true.
  7. Bob knows X.
  8. Bob would bet on X.
  9. Bob would bet $100 on X.
  10. Bob would bet his house on X.
  11. Bob would bet his life on X.
  12. Bob claims that X.
  13. Bob would say X is true if asked.
  14. Bob would say X is true if asked and he had no reason to lie.
  15. Bob behaves as if X is true.
  16. Bob infers X from other facts he thinks are true.
  17. Bob would infer X from other facts he thinks are true.
  18. Bob could infer X from other facts he thinks are true.

Version 1, saved on Sunday, September 7, 2003 10:51:51 pm.