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Virian Procedural Vote


A Procedural Vote is a Wiki Vote to establish a page on the Virian Wiki as authoritive; to obsolete a previously authoritive page; or to replace a previously authoritive page with some other page or pages. All Virian Votes regarding policy or doctrine are Procedural Votes and are subject to the Wiki Voting and Virian Votes rules.

All Virian Vectors should endeavor to vote in all Procedural Votes for which they are qualified by Meridion.

Parameters reflected here other than the links must be changed only by the unanimous consent of those authorised to approve this vote.

Template - Insert from below this line for a New Document


<Remove this line and the following section if a multiple vote is called for>

<Remove this line and the following section if a single vote is called for>

#? Category: You must select one and only one of the categories shown. Delete all the rest. As additional categories are established, they will be added above. If a new category is contemplated, this must be discussed with DavidLucifer. #? Restricted: This reflects the minimum reputation as determined by Meridion required to vote. If set to zero, all Vectors may vote whether or not they are members of Meridion. #? Visibility: This reflects the minimum reputation as determined by Meridion required to view this vote. If set to zero, all Vectors may view this vote whether or not they are members of Meridion #? CloseQuorum: This is a single line which determines whether or not to close a vote #? CloseDuration: This is a single value (Can take a suffic of hours, days, weeks, months) when the vote will be closed irrespective of the previous line. #? Title: The title must be the same as the wiki page title. #? Adjudication (Single): This field may contain a number of values:

#? Adjudication : AdminAttention Does this make sense? #? Question: The question in a single option vote must include a link to the wiki page being voted upon and the link must include the version number of the document in question. e.g. http #? Adjudication (Multiple): This field may contain a number of values:

#? Question: The question in a multiple option vote must include a link to the wiki page being voted upon and the link must include the version number of the document in question. e.g. http #? Option: Each option must include a link to the wiki page being voted upon and the link must include the version number of the document in question. e.g. http

Version 1, saved on Monday, October 6, 2003 7:53:13 am.