Full text search results for '(GMG)'
- WikiHelpWanted
- Q. What is the significance of ["(GMG)"|http://virus.lucifer.com/wiki/FullTextSearch?s=%28GMG%29]
- immuno-depressant
- Anything that tends to reduce a person's memetic immunity. Common immuno-depressants are: travel, disorientation, physical and emotional exhaustion, insecurity, emotional shock, loss of home or loved ones, future shock, culture shock, isolation stress, unfamiliar social situations, certain drugs, loneliness, alienation, paranoia, repeated exposure, respect for Authority, escapism, and hypnosis (suspension of critical judgment). Recruiters for cults often target airports and bus terminals because travelers are likely to be subject to a number of these immuno-depressants. (GMG)
- infection
- 1. Successful encoding of a meme in the memory of a human being. A memetic infection can be either active or inactive. It is inactive if the host does not feel inclined to transmit the meme to other people. An active infection causes the host to want to infect others. Fanatically active hosts are often membots or memeoids. A person who is exposed to a meme but who does not remember it (consciously or otherwise) is not infected. (A host can indeed be unconsciously infected, and even transmit a meme without conscious awareness of the fact. Many societal norms are transmitted this way.) (GMG)
- infectionstrategy
- Any [memetic] strategy which encourages infection of a host. Jokes encourage infection by being humorous, tunes by evoking various emotions, slogans and catch-phrases by being terse and continuously repeated. Common infection strategies are "Villain vs. victim", "Fear of Death", and "Sense of Community". In a [meme-complex], the [bait] [co-meme] is often central to the [infection strategy|infectionstrategy]. (GMG)
- memeticengineer
- One who consciously devises [memes|meme], through [meme]-splicing and [memetic] synthesis, with the intent of altering the behavior of others. Writers of manifestos and of commercials are typical memetic engineers. (GMG)
- memeticist
- # A [memetic engineer|memeticengineer]. (GMG)
- mimicry
- An infection strategy in which a meme attempts to imitate the semiotics of another successful meme. Such as: pseudo-science (Creationism, UFOlogy); pseudo-rebelliousness (Heavy Metal); subversion by forgery (Situationist detournement). (GMG)
- vaccime
- (pron. vak-seem) Any meta-meme which confers resistance or immunity to one or more memes, allowing that person to be exposed without acquiring an active infection. Also called an `immuno-meme' or 'histomeme'. Common immune-conferring memes are "Faith", "Loyalty", "Skepticism", and "tolerance". (See: [meme-allergy].) (GMG.)
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