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First transcript, between VectorFlux and VectorDeltree?:


Session Ident: Flux ( <Flux> hi <Deltree> hey <Flux> nope, sorry its not online yet <Deltree> np <Flux> Ive got a lot of ideas, what r ur ideas? <Flux> get those memes out :D <Deltree> I was thinking of something fairly simple <Deltree> :) <Flux> yeh I was @ 1st too :D <Flux> it could so easily turn into a 2 hour movie lol <Deltree> heh <Flux> so basicly, its an intro to the Church of Virus <Flux> rite? <Deltree> right <Flux> so what u thought up? <Deltree> some religious music maybe :p <Deltree> or no <Deltree> still hesitating

<Flux> maybe, its kinda if-e <Flux> maybe that religious music crap, then a remix :D lol <Flux> look @ sum prev. stuff http <Deltree> yeah, it fades into some virus memes <Deltree> future yes, evolution yes <Flux> yep <Flux> check out this http (I made it) <Deltree> nice <Flux> thanx

<Flux> problem was that I dont think the logo is entireley mirrored rite <Flux> so weird rotatability...

<Flux> maybe Im being weird <Flux> ive got a pic u shud c of the logo <Flux> brb, ill find it, again :D <Deltree> okay :) <Flux> bingo http <Deltree> interesting <Flux> I remembered, I finally put it in my Fav list folder on my removable disk drive (goes

'everywhere' with me)

<Deltree> I like the blue <Deltree> kind of abstract <Flux> knew u would <Flux> yes <Flux> imagine the bloby bits as bacteria or something, whatever worx :D <Deltree> hehe <Deltree> what soft do you use? <Flux> Corel PhotoPaint? <Flux> version 9, I think

<Flux> it cud maybe rotate <Flux> like a nice little blade thing :D <Flux> and have the bacterial stuff grow of shrink or something <Flux> cud maybe do that for CoV Flash intro <Flux> but it wud hav 2 b short, small, n compressable <Flux> well, fast loading, basicly <Flux> what u think? <Deltree> yes, I guess it works good <Flux> any ideas? <Flux> ? <Deltree> sorry, I am kind of busy. for the singularity thing, I was thinking to show an

exponential curve growing and all the periods and technologies appearing successively behind it

<Flux> yes, thats a great illustration <Flux> maybe some pulsing colours, <Flux> cool blues, whites, blacks... animated line etc <Deltree> yeah <Flux> would look nice <Flux> maybe western world freedoms being plotted too <Flux> with the amount of atheists/humanists/virians <Flux> maybe corrolated with inteligence, time, technology,web or something, that kinda thing <Deltree> yeah <Deltree> cool <Flux> maybe the big bang @ the start? <Deltree> yeah, definitely <Flux> if it could look photo realistic, that would rock <Deltree> and it starts slowly <Deltree> then accelerates <Deltree> at the singularity, all becomes white <Flux> yeh, thats what probably happend <Flux> yeh, thats kinda scarey tho :D lol <Deltree> lol <Deltree> yeah <Deltree> it actually IS <Deltree> :) <Flux> yeh <Flux> maybe some 'electronic' grid lines <Flux> curves <Flux> eminating circles <Flux> (radio comm., wired, p2p comm sys.) <Flux> representing flow of loads of stuff, resources, data etc... <Flux> nanotech <Flux> it wudnt b 2 easy in flash tho 2 do the big bang realisticly <Flux> u g2 hav a radial gradient, that in itself is easy <Flux> (ive tried the big bang thing in flash) <Flux> it works ok <Flux> its fash, its just <Deltree> you take care of this :) I'm just an amateur on flash for now <Deltree> I work by trial/error <Flux> me 2 <Flux> probably the same <Deltree> ok then <Flux> u INTP, or close? <Flux> http <Flux> http

<Deltree> I've seen something similar <Flux> personality typing is cool, very usefull <Deltree> at first sight, I guess I'm 'thinker' yeah <Flux> im sure a meritocracy would use it somehow <Deltree> yes, interesting page <Flux> thinkers are like iron filelings to a magnet on CoV <Flux> thing is not always so good with getting on with tasks as other, lesser thinkers are <Flux> turns out if u think so much, u get smart, just run the minds 'logic program'... <Flux> so n e way back to the task in hand <Flux> I was thiking bout having a dialogue between a non virian, and a virian <Flux> rite? <Deltree> yes, it is a good idea <Flux> through the conversation (with words fading in to colour), the font of the virian wud b


<Deltree> but we have to be careful not to make it too religious <Flux> and the non-v. person wud have red font, fading slowly as they realise 'were cool' <Deltree> we don't want it to look like that, for example: kinda like that: <Deltree> http <Flux> well, it will just b standard commercial flashness :D <Flux> lol <Flux> they make me laugh, maybe we'll take em over 1 day ;) <Flux> http <Deltree> I'm convinced there brain is infected too much with irrationality <Flux> well, denial @ least <Deltree> lol <Flux> its science fact <Flux> BBC agress too, good nuff 4 u? <Flux> BBC Radio 4 Reith lectures <Flux> see my old links list <Flux> http <Flux> check out http , good use of flash n stuff <Deltree> yes, well done <Deltree> nice memes :) <Flux> yes, not too bad (for xians) :P <Flux> still overuses times new roman tho

<Flux> seen a newer version <Flux> doh <Flux> http <Flux> thats the site I meant lol <Flux> its more classy <Deltree> "in collaboration with: God (r)" <Flux> :D <Deltree> sposored by JC <Flux> oh dear... <Deltree> yeah the others are nicer <Flux> yeh <Flux> so that kinda thing, but maybe sum electronic music? <Flux> so not maddona tho :D <Flux> is she a capatalistic slut some something?

<Flux> thats 2 differnt things from me, INTP <Deltree> yeah <Deltree> bbl in 30 min <Flux> k <Flux> :D http <Flux> u back? <Deltree> I mean <Deltree> yes <Flux> ok <Flux> http - wud so buy stuff from em, only <Flux> Im skint :D <Deltree> lol <Flux> who says capitalism is good? <Deltree> "inspiring them with fear" <Flux> Bush does

<Flux> :D <Flux> Demotivators: Increasing success my lowing expectations <Flux> *lowering :D <Deltree> that is totally true => http <Flux> :D

<Deltree> TTS? <Flux> google it :D <Flux> nah, its text to speech <Deltree> thanks for the effort :) <Deltree> TTS on IRC? <Flux> u kno if the PC knew what phrases u knew, it cud scan text for stuff u dont understand,

then google it n spider pages refering to it 4 u

<Flux> yep, speaks out IRC <Flux> im usin mIRC (google it if u want) :D <Deltree> muhaha <Deltree> pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is a very interesting science <Flux> muhaha sounds like mu hi ha <Deltree> I mean, disease <Flux> it sed that really well <Flux> where the hell did u copy that from? <Deltree> google it <Deltree> bleh <Deltree> :) <Flux> u didnt type that fast did u? <Deltree> http <Flux> lol ok <Flux> bleh? <Flux> ill google it <Deltree> thyroparathyroidectomized is much worse than pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism which is

quite close to radioimmunoelectrophoresis

<Flux> it says it really well u kno <Deltree> really <Deltree> I'm impressed <Deltree> what TTS do you use? <Flux> Mary <Deltree> oh <Flux> comes with standard MS Win XP TTS <Flux> no it dont <Deltree> Office? <Flux> it comes with TextAloud? <Deltree> ok <Flux> google it, try out TextAloud? <Flux> its very usefull for me <Flux> maybe buy it, or crack (depeding on dosh, deservingness of company) <Flux> its got a trial <Flux> it can intercept clipboard stuff <Flux> it can read txt files, copy site text to it (like news, email, e-books etc..) <Flux> n u can save it 2 MP3 <Deltree> whil I still can read well, I won't bother with that :) <Flux> ok <Flux> well, least get it cause its got Mary with it <Flux> good quality TTS engine/voice <Deltree> yeah, their voice is close to natural <Flux> <Flux> http <Flux> there we go, can u put our conv. logs on there please and give me the URL? <Deltree> you mean this conversation's log? <Flux> yes, plz <Deltree> http <Flux> tar <Flux> can u wiki yet? <Deltree> you mean do I use wiki? <Flux> yeh, can u use, do u use the CoV wiki <Flux> ? <Flux> I mean editing, 'n e 1' can read it... <Deltree> yes <Flux> cool, what pages u done? <Deltree> this one :) http <Deltree> I need to go for tonight :( lots of studies waiting <Flux> cool <Deltree> I'll see you tomorrow <Flux> k cool, l8er <Flux> oh wait <Flux> im from england, u? <Deltree> Montreal, for now <Deltree> pleased to meet you <Flux> wheres that? <Deltree> canada <Deltree> are you Graham? <Flux> ditto <Flux> ok, Im Luke Stanley, sun of Graham <Deltree> oaky <Deltree> I'll see you around, luke <Flux> k, cool, l8ers <Flux> its Flux :D <Deltree> I'll think about the flash pres. <Deltree> heh <Deltree> okay Flux <Flux> yeh, ive put ur name up on wiki <Deltree> ok, thanks <Flux> http <Flux> cool, l8er then <Deltree> l8ter

:: Logs over ::

Logs mixed from Flux and Deltree

Version 3, saved on Sunday, May 4, 2003 7:51:55 pm.