Re: virus: Real World?

From: Alexander Williams (
Date: Tue Dec 31 1996 - 12:11:47 MST wrote:
> It's easier to envisage though, isn't it? The MWH just doesn't seem to
> work. Where do these other universes exist?

They exist along an infinitely branching dimension orthogonal to the
ones we're built to perceive. For example:

Let's say this is the linear universe of our experience:


All of our perceived dimensions, length, breadth, width, time, rolled up
into a one-dimensional line. Now, we introduce a quantum split in which
two possible states occur; let's say in one the cat's alive and in the
other, dead:

                              / \
                             / \

The dimension that runs left-right on our diagram is that in which the
MWH places the infinite tree branching of quantum events.

   Alexander Williams { /}
  Prefect of the 8,000,000th Terran Overlord Government Experimental
      Strike Legion, Primary Transport TOG "Bellatores Inquieti"
   You ride in 250 tons of molecularly aligned crystalline titanium
wedded to a ceramic ablative matrix.  You carry a 200mm Gauss
cannon, two massive 10-gigawatt lasers, two SMLM fire-and-forget
missiles, a Vulcan IV point defense anti-missile system, and a
deadly assortment of other equally lethal weapons.
   Your vehicle is the ultimate product of 4,000 years of armored
   Your life expectancy is less than two minutes.

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