RE: virus: Cultural relativism meme

Gifford, Nate F (
Sun, 31 May 1998 20:45:46 -0400

Bob Harwig writes:

So because our society is screwed up, you see the students' response
uncritical acceptance of superstition "as a positive one"?
Interesting logic.

Nate Replies:

No I contend that our society is screwed up by superstition. The
liberal causes followed by their superstitious cause were:

>People don't die in the war on drugs.

Making drugs illegal: A) Keeps people off of drugs. and B)
Stiffening the penalties for selling drugs & using drugs doesn't make drug
users/sellers more violent. This is my favorite because the rules are based
on simple supply and demand .... Society's cost for the war on drugs is
enormous ... yet by denying the cost we let the war continue ... This is the
Viet Nam of the nineties in my mind. I really don't know why America
allows it to continue ... except for the "good memes".

>People don't die from welfare reform.

I think there is going to be a program on Welfare Reform on
PBS this week ... I will defer comments on this until after the program ...
as most of my current evidence is based on memory.

>Waco was pretty reasonable.

I went and saw a documentary on Waco at the movies about 7 months
ago. The scenes of the congressional investigation were on par with
McCarthyism. Frontline also did a story on Waco that was a bit less
inflammatory ... but the bottom line was the FBI WANTED to blow those people
away. I don't see safeguards put in place to prevent it from happening
again. People who take a stand against the government SHOULD be paranoid.

>The conservative right's rhetoric has nothing to do with abortion
clinic bombings.

How many times have you heard some dumb schmuck say "The abortion
clinics were asking for it?" The conservative right still faintly damns the

>Illegal immigrants have it pretty easy once they make it across the

This has been on network news tens of times ... The more "illegal"
an immigrant is the easier it is to indenture them.

>Fag bashing is a myth.

Harvey Milk is the canonical case ... but keep your eyes open for
someone dieing for their sexual preference ... it makes the local news here
about once a month. The acid test for "fag bashing" is same-sex marriage
... as long as the law recognizes commitment to be gender-based than there
is room for deadly bigotry. The simplest case would be someone's S.O. being
denied health care because they're not covered by health insurance.