virus: Social Metaphysics of Reason

Brett Lane Robertson (
Thu, 18 Sep 1997 17:07:10 -0500


There seems to be two camps of religious attainers (and these are not set in
stone), those who reason and those who accept on faith. Reason is dangerous
for those who accept things on faith since reason opens up inconsistencies
which must be dealt with using more reason (and if one is prone to accepting
things on faith *minus* reason...there is a long way to go before one begins
accepting things on faith + reason, and finally on reason alone--though the
final option is surely valuable but implies that there must be *no* faith
[that is no fudge-factor in reasoning]).

In a perfect metaphysic (a paradigmatic design of all perspectives which
includes a "god", or perfect form) there is only ONE reasonable answer...and
like no two objects can occupy the exact same place at the exact same time,
no two reasons can speak to one cause in response to a single purpose.
Because of this, faith is the predominant mode of religious attaining (like
saying that only one person can give the reason and everyone else must
accept this reasoning with various levels of faith)...or everyone must speak
to different purposes?

Using the equations of "faith - reason", faith (alone), and "faith +
reason," the "faith alone" category seems to be the logical choice (being at
the center and able to benefit from changes in either of the other
groupings)--but faith is not a static designation. "Faith" is a
sub-category off "grace". Grace may be thought of as a measure of faith and
hope (or summed up as "charity"--equal parts of faith and hope...equal
chances ["Many are called and few are chosen"]).

According to Hermetic principals (someone help me), one of these graces
becomes externalized and the other internalized--if faith is faith in
reason, then hope is hope that others reason as well. Using this paradigm
(faith is a level of association with the One reason...externalized as
hope), then the internal path to salvation is "reasonable" or "reasoning"
but with the understanding that "reason"destroys hope (destroys faith in

Other possibilities are: 1. To manufacture grace (which is to go against
reason) or 2. To externalize reason in the form of hope and internalize
faith in the form of grace (in defiance of reason...that is to accept
self-doubt). 3. To internalize hope in the form of reason and manufacture
faith from grace. 4. To disallow grace (no mistakes, no chance, etc).

I like the 3rd scenario.


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