Re: virus: Re: Discipline of Translation

Brett Lane Robertson (
Fri, 04 Jul 1997 21:31:07 -0500

"Wade T.Smith wrote:

> >I've always had a keen interest in Apocalypse.
> Then what is your vision of it?" (from Eric)

Is that Apocalypse, or THE Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse is a very interesting PHILOSOPHICAL question. What are our
choices, what are the effects of those choices, what is the end of humanity?
(examples...over specialization, over generalization, inability to
communicate, enmeshment, dehuminization...) Goo and sunspots doesn't seem
to be in the ballpark.


At 12:28 AM 7/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Wade T.Smith wrote:
>> >I've always had a keen interest in Apocalypse.
>> Then what is your vision of it?
>You're asking me to pick my favorite, out of all the possible ways the
>world could end?
>hooo. Tough choice.
>I've always been fond of the "grey goo" nano-technology destroys the
>world idea...
>And I really like the "a comet strikes Earth and pulzerizes everything
>then causes eternal ice age" idea...
>And nuclear winter is pretty cool.
>But I think the best way to go would be in a sudden "Super-Nova" of our
>sun... you know, some scientist sends some weird thing into the sun and
>it causes a massive explosion... Earth burned up less than 8 seconds
>later. The glory!
>or perhaps the "high energy physics bubble universe destroyer" idea is
>the one to pick.
>or maybe the "cascading environmental disasters" is the way to go
>or maybe space aliens, like the Borg...
>or perhaps "the Kingdom of God" is really at hand, after 2000 years!
>or mabye a new killer disease will be discovered (or created!) and wipe
>out all life
>well, you get the point!

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A Blob Nest Net Terror