Re: virus: Methods of Thinking

Lee Daniel Crocker (
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 16:18:20 -0700 (PDT)

> On Wed, 23 Apr 1997, Lee Daniel Crocker <> wrote:
> >There is a vast chasm of difference between not having moral
> >values, and having strong moral values that happen to be
> >different from "convention". Conventional morality is usually
> >based on silly notions like God or duty. I reject those, but
> >I embrace the concept of morality itself--in fact, because I
> >believe my particular moral values are based more on reality
> >than those of others, I hold them even more strongly.
> An attitude I share. Has it caused you as much trouble as it has me?
> I've found that because I approach life from such a fundamentally
> different direction to most people I might as well be talking a
> different language sometimes; the gulf in understanding is just too
> great to bridge cost-effectively.

Those who know me well know my character, and put up with my penchant
for rhetoric; those who can't see past the rhetoric I'm not interested
in knowing anyway. What kind of relationship could one build with a
person with whom you cannot share your most fundamental beliefs
honestly and straightforwardly?

Actually, I rather enjoy the mild shock value of some of my beliefs.
My mother was particularly amused when I told her that I was dating
a stripper, because I found her to be of superior moral character to
my previous date, who sold nutritional supplements.