virus: Checksums for Faithfulness of Memes

Wright, James 7929 (
Tue, 22 Apr 97 09:25:00 EDT

In information communications, a checksum is a number transmitted along
with the packet of data which allows verification of the data after the
process of transmission. Should the result of a numeric computation
performed on both the data and the checksum not result in a defined
figure, the receiver sends back a "Message not received correctly" signal
back to the sender, and the sender re-sends that packet of data again.
Could we use something similar to ensure that memes transmit more
faithfully and mutate slower? I'd be really annoyed if the meme I sent
was "I need a wrench" and the meme my six-year-old received was "I need a
drench", and he turned a garden hose on me according to his
understanding! Any suggestions?