Re: virus: RPGs

D. H. Rosdeitcher (
27 Mar 97 03:03:59 EST

There is a popular set of memes that don't correspond to reality. This set of
memes groups logical, rational, analytical with inflexible, formal and
bureaucratic. Also, it groups creative, artistic, expressive, with emotional,
unanalytical, non-mathematical. This set of memes divides people into 2
categories: "left-brain analytical" people and "right brain creative" people.
Here is an example of this set of memes in action:

David K. wrote:
> "Charts are cool and useful" has a symbiotic relationship
>with other memes, such as: "quantitative comparisons are important
>information sources," "experiences should not have too much emotional
>content", "formal and inflexible organization", "bureacracy" memes.

>"Charts are not cool"
>The meme-territory has anti-"charts are cool" memes. For example:
>"Numbers are confusing", "Art is supreme over science", "Emotions are more
>important than rationalizations", "Creativity is more important than
>analysis", "Analysis is not fun".

This whole thing is not true. Rational people are more creative than irrational
people. This is true for both artists and scientists. And bureaucracies have
nothing to do with being analytical. Bureaucratic people don't analyze, they
just act like robots.

>To give a quick stereotype: the chart-o-phile is more likely to like
>organized thought-behaviors. The chart-o-phobe is more likely to like
>disorganized (or self-organizing) thought-behaviors. Self-organizing
>thought-behaviors, by the way, I think are beautiful lifestyles.
>Biological life is self-organizing. Friendships are usually
>self-organizing, as are many "inspired" memes. They have no organization
>forced upon them by "commanding" memes, but they use the natural rules and
>circumstances to create a "natural" order (again I use the biological
>analogy of all life).

David K. is saying that people who like charts are into some sort of "chain of
command" mode. And people who don't like charts are these spontaneous "go with
the flow" people. There is no basis for such an assertion. The use of charts
can be a used to make independent decisions, while people who are afraid of
using such charts often have to rely on other people.
David K--Where do you get this idea?
-David Rosdeitcher