Re: virus: Re: Rationality
Fri, 7 Mar 97 15:16:40 GMT

> Drakir wrote:
> > If the mind is /not/ separate from the memetic structure, then aren't all
> > thought processes just bits of memetic programming interacting? This
> > makes you just like a computer, with it's OS. You may be able to
> > put across the impression of being a free-thinking free-acting machine,
> > but in actuality, you're just a programme that's quite clever.
> Exactly. The mind may very well be 'bits of memetic programming
> interacting.' But that is exactly what free-will is.

But surely free will allows one to do exactly what one wants. Irrespective
of memes. If I were to exercise my internal free-will, I could get up
from my desk, and rampage round the office wielding my telephone at
people in a threatening manor. Is that a meme? I'm not going to
do it for the simple fact that I'll get sacked if I do. Is that a
meme? But I could do it, if external circumstances didn't prevent it.
What the current piture I have in my head though, WRT to the human OS,
is that I could never do that unless there were a "telephone rampage"
meme in my memesphere.

Does that make sense?
