Re: virus: missa viriis

Wade T.Smith (
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 15:35:54 -0400

>So -- rituals. It is certainly a direction we can shoot for.
>How do we begin?

And it's not even rituals, but the level of _involvement_ that is exercised by the participants.

You know, it ain't so much that we need any heirarchy of members, but every ritual does need a prompter- a person stage center willing to sing the first chorus- until everyone can sing it.

So, what rituals?

I don't have a clue. I think it's more an attitude about why we would gather.

... a song to sing when Virions meet.

... a joy to share with those who observe.

... and whatever, however, shows that there are no barriers between us.

So, yes, I ain't got a clue, really.

But, when Tim came into this town, those who were here gathered.

So, start to gather.

Amass thyselves.
