re: Re: virus: Re:[genius] Sexism

KingsXfan (
23 Feb 99 10:21:54 -0800

Are you for women in the military? Why?

I am anti-military. Because.

And how is that relevant?

I get tired of the incongruity. Women are equal to men in all areas of life including the corporate world, in combat, etc... But when it comes to violence between the sexes, women revert back to this "I'm the weaker sex...protect me from those big, bad men!" If you're equal, then quit playing the victim and kick the living shit out of those rapist bastards.

> What do you have
>to worry about? One of my personal principles is that Life is too short to
>spend living it in fear.
>Then please follow your principles.

I DO follow my principles, that's why they are MY principles. Since you are not some omnipotent deity, you obviously cannot observe me 24 hrs. a day to know this is true. Anyone who even casually knows me in real life, knows this is true. Don't be so quick to judge what you know nothing about.

Your words betray you, is all.

Why do you live in fear of God?

I don't live in fear. I'm uncomfortable with the unknown at times, though.

> I don't always dwell on the negative BUT, the
>fact is, "one out of every six college women will be the victim of a rape
>or attempted rape while an undergraduate", and by the time I graduate (I'm
>nearing my third year), I will probably be raped. At least according to
>chance, and common statistics. Now, I think my danger is significantly
>less because of the way I live my life and my 'training', but in all
>likelihood, I might be one of the many victims I know of. Living with the
>constant threat. How do you think that feels?
>My philosophy is that the biggest victim is the perpetrator. You may be
raped, but you don't have to live life knowing that you are a filthy scum rapist. I feel sorry for people who are willing to stoop that low.

I am speechless. My mouth is literally agape right now. That is the most awful, asinine, and stupid thing I have ever seen in black-and-white. I have no idea how to respond to such ignorance; I am taken aback by it. It disgusts me to my very depths.

And do you know why you think that way? Because you're a self-righteous ignoramus that can't see the common element in all human beings. You're no better than a televangelist pointing the finger at the "bad guys". That is the kind of thinking that created the racism and sexism that you seemingly despise.

Foremost, how can the "victim" be the "perpetrator"? The victim is the person who a crime is perpetrated against, and who suffers. The rapist is the antithesis of a victim in every sense of the word. Rape is the worst crime there is, and it's not just my opinion, it's been said so by the FBI. (Not that I need their validation.) Not only are women the victim of the rapist, but then a victim twice over by this country's warped legal system that blames and ultimately fails her, and then thrice over a victim by apathetic and ignorant people that support rape by ignoring or justifying it. That's society for you.

I'd rather be raped than have my children murdered (BTW, I was raped when I was 15).

Your logic and thinking is ass-backwards. If someone murdered your children, your parents, your entire family, and your friends, would you want to let them off scot-free?

You come to the wrong conclusions. I'm not against justice. If it wasn't for consequences, such as jail time, there would be no way to redeem oneself. You would have no way of paying back, and thus, no way to start fresh. I love human beings. I would suggest you rent a movie that reveals the humanness of a criminal. Also, you would grow wiser if you did a bit of inventory on yourself, how in the past you've done things that were hurtful to others. It might help you snap out of the "I'm good, they're bad" meme.

According to your absurd "philosophy",
yes, because they suffer a great deal more than you do. In fact, if they are the greatest victim, perhaps you should be punished for their crime? Why not, that's what they do to rape victims.

This shows how little you understand me.

People like you, yes, I said 'people like you' are my 'Number One Enemy'. I guess you're the opposition I am facing; I don't see why then, we aren't winning. You feel sorry for them- the rapists?! I feel sorry for your mother.

There you go again. You're good, I'm bad. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't live a life that one can be proud of.

"Hiding behind guilt, that's my favorite. I love that one. Oh, it's horrible, yes, and I'm so sorry. You have the time to feel guilty. We don't have the time for you to feel guilty. Your guilt is a form of acquiescence in what continues to occur. Your guilt helps keep things the way they are....I know that men suffer. This is a new claim, I think, that in part you are actually suffering because of something that you know happens to someone else. That would indeed be new."

                                    --Andrea Dworkin

Why don't you live your life, knowing that you have been raped and suffering from it every day, and then speak up for the assaulter. Okay?

I never did drugs before that night. I was waiting for the bus after my shift at the restaurant (bus boy). A man in an electric blue GTO pulled up and asked if I wanted to smoke a joint. I said "sure". I've been wanting to try it for awhile now. He took me to his place and had me roll tobacco in an oil-smeared rolling paper. Sloppily, I obliged. He told me to smoke it. I did, and passed it to him. He refused it. As soon as I was done smoking, he had me roll another one. Same process. I smoked that one too, and again he refused to smoke it with me. He said he had already gotten stoned before picking me up. I soon realized that I was in trouble. The room became distorted and I found myself unable to move. I crawled to the bathroom because I felt I was going to vomit. I didn't make it. I puked on the floor. He lifted me up and brought me to a sleeping bag that he had laid out on his living room floor. I'll spare you the rest of the details.

I'm not suffering from that incident. I don't hate that person. I feel sorry for him. I hope that he has changed and is living a life that is worth living.

The "filthy scum rapist" doesn't feel remorse. That's why they do it over and over again..and again...and again...

>By the way, I don't want to "battle to beat back sexism", I want to END it
>for good, along with any other form of oppression. I intend to spend my
>entire life trying to do so.
>Hatred is the fruit of ignorance. I'm skeptical that we can rid ourselves
of that.

Why adopt a passive, apathetic attitude like that? Do you really think it's wise to say, "Oh well...I'm going to give up fighting against all the bad things in the world, because it seems too hard." There you go, trying to get me to just *accept* my condition, again. That is very flawed thinking. At first you said I should 'fight' and 'battle', yet you also assume my cause is futile.

I never said to stop fighting. It's worth it to help even one individual see the light.

b-i-t-c-h (No, I don't think you are).

Awww.......gee, I'm so sorry if my anger over being severely oppressed and raped really turns you off.

It doesn't turn me off. But I know from hearing others that it doesn't win much sympathy.

And I wasn't even talking about having _any_ kind of 'tude. I was merely

Furthermore, what do hormones have to do with awareness? There you go subscribing to the idea of "womb hysteria". How ridiculous. Examine why you chose the words "hormone-crazed" to describe how any assertive female is viewed.

I described a perception. I didn't claim it to be the reality.

>I don't single out any single issue. Ignorance is the root of all hatred.
That is where the battle is won.

Do you even care if it's won? You sound more like an advocate of rape to me. You think a rapist is the real victim of his crime.. therefore the actual victim is to blame, and if the woman is at fault, you must think that women deserve what they you hate women? You keep bringing up the fact that ignorance is the cause of hatred; I wouldn't be surprised.

I actually have more respect for women than you do. I don't put them in the "helpless victim" category. One of the most powerful images of this was in a James Woods movie (El Salvador?), where a woman is being raped. She looked at him with strength. Her eyes were saying, "you can take my body against my will, but you'll never break my spirit".

What's better- a firm voice or a cowardly one? I think you know my choice.

Before using that firm voice of yours, I think you better get more acquainted with the common elements between you and a perpetrator of ghastly crimes such as rape. You might be shocked to find your not a different animal after all.

"One way of getting an idea of our fellow-countrymen's miseries is to go and look at their pleasures." --George Eliot

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