virus: Re:London visitation

From: Zloduska (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2004 - 14:03:43 MST

  • Next message: Walter Watts: "virus: Hold the fries"

    OK Nate, if you'd rather leave Germany, then why don't you come visit us in Prague while we're there? The train system between Germany and the Czech Repbulic are very reliable and mostly inexpensive, then we could pick you up at the Main Train Station in Prague and I'll show you guys (both you and Tywick, who will be there for the first time as well) around my favorite city. We'll be there from the 24th of May until the 11th of June, with some short trips here and there. Just let me know the actual day you'd like to meet us so it doesn't conflict with our other plans. If you like beer and beauty, I'm sure you'll enjoy it tremendously. Otherwise I may be able to go to your side of Germany, cuz I've always wanted to visit Stuttgart, where my grandfather was from. Let me know what you'd prefer too...

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