RE: virus: Re:Tower of Brahma

From: Calvin Ashmore (
Date: Sat Feb 28 2004 - 17:37:19 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: virus: Democracy in America (was re:Nader)"

    > the funny thing is that the woman who put together this puzzle book calls
    > herself the 'human computer'...
    > how will you write a computer program to get the solution for this

    I wish I had jumped on this thread earlier, but since equation manipulation
    and generation is one of my "things", I'll add on to this:

    The funny things about computers is that they're very very fast and
    powerful, but very stupid and foolish when it comes down to it. For a human
    to solve these sorts of puzzles, the process is usually built around
    objectives, like getting the right digit in the 100's place and such.
    Computers won't have any conception of this unless you spend a lot of time
    teaching them.

    The easiest way to get solutions to this is to actually solve it with brute
    force, I think. For instance, one can define +, -, *, /, as binary
    operators, and also bracket things with ( and ), and then just iteratively
    construct every possible tree out of those symbols, where each of the leaves
    may only be 8, 88, 888, or .8, etc., and there may be only eight leaf nodes.
    There are a finite number of possible trees, and a decent program could
    probably go through all of them (excluding things that won't produce
    anything useful) in a matter of a couple of minutes.

    I've played around with equation generation in a small program of mine-
    Which generates equations that will supposedly produce "interesting" images.

    The key to it is to basically abstract the equation, that it is basically a
    tree. One of the intriguing things about the way we solve problems is that
    often we make these kinds of abstractions without really realizing it...


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