RE: virus: Antigravity propulsion update

From: Blunderov (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 16:26:19 MDT

Ladies and gentlemen I give you ...

The Holy Grail!

Of course I'm totally incompetent to critique this stuff. Somebody talk
to me!

Warm regards.

Overview of Electrogravitation As A Unified Field Theory by Jerry E.
Date: January 05, 2002

When conversing online with others concerning my theory I sometimes use
derived terms in the discussions that are not understood by those
unfamiliar with my theory. Although my derivation of constants related
to my theory is fully covered in my book, "Electrogravitation As A
Unified Field Theory," there is evidently a need for a much condensed
form for those who either have not read it or have difficulty
understanding what they read of it. Therefore, it is my hope that this
brief overview will serve to explain the basics of my theory for now and
in the future when needed.

My approach to solving the puzzle of the gravitational action began by
considering energy or a perturbation of energy state as fundamental to
the gravitational action. Further, that at a minimum, two 'systems' of
energy were required for the interaction to occur at all. These could be
any type of energy; heat, kinetic, potential, electromagnetic, electric
field, magnetic field and so on.

I also reasoned that there would be a need to unite both the local
relativistic frames of reference and the non local quantum realm of
action. My first successful result was involving the energy of a change
of energy state that creates a photon as in a laser type action.

The absolute magnitude of the result was required to be very close to
the result obtained by the classical Newtonian formula: Fn = G(m1)(m2) /
r^2, where G is the standard accepted gravitational constant, m1 and m2
are each equal to the electron rest mass constant and r^2 is the
variable distance between the points of the electron locations.

The electrogravitational equation that was first developed was: Feg =
[h(f) (uo) h(f)] / r^2 . h is Plank's standard constant and uo is the
permeability of free space. I then solved for (f) that would yield an
absolute magnitude equal to Fn. The frequency is what I call the least
quantum electrogravitational frequency fLM. This may represent not a
detectable radiated frequency in the normal sense of electromagnetic
radiation but a least quantum energy related uncertainty of frequency
by E = h(f) associated with the electron field energy jitter even when
the electron motion could be slowed to very near absolute zero at near
zero degrees kelvin.

The energy associated with E = h(f) has an equivalent kinetic energy Ek
= m(v^2). Solving for v, we obtain what I call in my book the least
quantum electrogravitational velocity vLM. In chapter one of my book I
developed what I called the five cases of field forces in a quadset.
That is, each force is shown as being derivable with four types of
energy. There may be more.

Next, I reasoned that since the force associated with gravity appears to
be one of attraction, the energy involved can be considered to be
negative. This results in and imaginary velocity i(vLM) that I postulate
as existing below what we consider as zero velocity in normal (real)
space. (The i is the square root of -1.) It is of no small interest that
the absolute value of that field velocity is equal to the magnitude of
the square root of the standard fine structure constant. To me, this
suggests another space apart from ours but in a very slight way
connected and in the process causes the gravitational action energy in
our space. I suggest our space may be the cause for gravitational action
in a space above ours, above the speed of light in the same manner. The
fine structure constant times the rest mass energy of the electron
yields the field energy at the compton radius of the electron for
example. This negative energy may even be the so-called dark energy or
missing mass in our universe.

Associated with the least quantum electrogravitational frequency and
velocity there exists as a least quantum current ILM = q(fLM) where q is
the standard basic unit of electron charge. Also is the least quantum
electrogravitational wavelength lambdaLM = h / m(vLM). These derived
electrogravitational terms are developed in much more detail in my book.

I have been told that my theory can be considered as a new science.
Perhaps a new science is what we need to solve the riddle of what the
gravitational action really is. I have combined newton's instantaneous
action at a distance (via non local quantum space) with Einstein's local
space reaction through observable's (photons) to create the most likely
mechanism for gravitational action. The units in my theory work out to
be energy/distance times the permeability of free space times
energy/distance. This agrees with the observed 1 / r^2 action.

Richard Feynman, in his book, "Feynman Lectures on Gravitation,"
suggested that the gravitational constant G was perhaps a barrier to a
successful description of a unified gravitational action theory in that
the units may need to be modified. My theory does just that so that G is
in henry/meter or (uo) times vLM^4 or (meters/sec) ^4. In absolute
units, this is equivalent to multiplying the permeability of free space
times the square of the fine structure constant. This is also of no
small interest.

In conclusion, this is a new science and thus has terms associated with
its theoretical aspects that are unfamiliar to mainstream physics.
Therefore, this document will be made available now and in the future to
anyone who desires the 'short version' of my theory of
electrogravitation as the occasion demands.

My ebook "Electrogravitation As A Unified Field Theory" in Adobe Acrobat
format is available from the below URL and help in downloading may be
obtained from myself at the below email addresses.

Jerry E. Bayles

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