Re:virus: Goodnight.

From: Hermit (
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 16:17:17 MDT

Nah, all you guessers have it wrong. Joe McPees is explaining that he is suffering from hereditary early onset dementia and while still sufficiently functional to care for his maternal nutcase, has suffered sufficient cognitive decline to be no longer capable of holding a civilized discussion. Pity. He once had a great mind.

It does, of course, take an outsider to diagnose when a mind goes faulty. Outsider to Joe, your mind is going...

As a general question, on the transition from sanity to dementia, when does the person die? When they stop being sane all the time, or when they are no longer lucid at all? Or somewhere in between? It will be good to know so that we can properly mourn Joe's demise at an appropriate time. Or have we missed it? Should we be mourning already?


This message was posted by Hermit to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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