Re:virus: a psychological study with multiple purposes

From: elvensage (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 18:38:02 MDT

1. What is your age and sex?
18, Male

2. Which movie(s) did you watch and why?
Neon Genesis Evangelion-- From Episode one, to "End of Eva." Because I own it.

3.What do you think the message, that the creators of these movies were =
trying to convey, was?
I'm going to try to keep this short, given the complexity of the show.
Instead of giving a specific message, I shall list what I thought were the many messages of Eva.

Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes for the "right" outcomes.
The ends justfy the means.
People do not show their true selves to others, and most of them do not even know who they are themself. Let alone could show you who they were.
"Love is destructive" -- when you cannot love yourself.
Everyone's actions are selfish. No matter what good intent they might have, they are still selfish in some way.
Our world is what we make of it. We are our own "gods."

4. What did you like dislike about this movie(s)?
I loved the in depth psychological information you receive on all the characters in the last 2 episodes and Death & Rebirth. I must admit though , I love the action, the drama, the religous references, and the deep plot. The only thing I disliked was those 3-4 scenes that froze for about 2 minutes.

5. In your opinion why did the creators choose cartoons as the medium =
for transmitting information?

First off, reality. There is no way you could pull off some of the special effects and such in a live-action show.

Erm second, And second Anno was an anime fan and an anime artist. It is what came natural to him.

This was actually a bit hard to write believe it or not. I think I'm going to watch through the series again. Every time I watch it I am always inspired by something different. I think I could use that.

This message was posted by elvensage to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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