virus: $1 million dollar challenge for us

From: bricoleur (
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 05:34:15 MDT

... well not really.

Victor Zammit's $1 million challenge "is being made to any closed minded materialist skeptic in the world who can rebut the existing expressly stated scientific evidence for the afterlife."


Guess he knows his money is safe in the knowledge that it is not possible to prove a negative. However it is a neat publicity trick to sell his book A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife: Irrefutable Objective Evidence.

from the website (this is really amusing!):

"The applicant has to rebut the substantive objective evidence presented in Victor Zammit's A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife (see chapters 3 to 24) which includes: Materialisation, Electronic Voice Phenomena, Instrumental Transcommunication, the Scole Experiments, Professor Gary Schwartz' Experiments, Mediumship - Mental, Physical and Direct Voice, Xenoglossy, the Cross-Correspondences, Proxy Sittings, Automatic Etheric Writing, Laboratory Experiments, Poltergeists, Apparitions together with the evidence provided by Near Death Experiences and Out of Body Experiences which psychics claim are supportive of and are directly linked with the afterlife."

This HAS to be a joke, right? right??

for your amusement,

This message was posted by bricoleur to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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