virus: There are two possibilities.

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 13:24:45 MDT

I would rather be a good patriotic Galactic Citizen then a good
patriotic American.
I know that must sound completely sick and evil to all of you US vs.
Them types on this list.
God Bless America and Fuck Everyone Else
Bush the Idiot or Bush the Fiend
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Opinion
Sunday, 11 August, 2002
This is the paradox of Bush leadership.
As the Clinton administration departed the White House, several of its
anti-terrorism experts repeatedly briefed Condoleeza Rice and others
within the incoming Bush cabal of the dangerous nature of the terrorism
threat represented by Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Further, the Bush
people were handed an effective battle plan to address that threat.
Nothing was done about it until the Towers fell.
Warnings came to American intelligence agencies and the Bush
administration from all corners in the months before the attack. Egypt,
Germany, Israel and Russia gave pointed descriptions of terrorist
threats involving commercial airplanes and landmark buildings.
Nothing was done about it until the Towers fell.
Once the attacks came, of course, the Bush administration implemented
the Clinton-era attack plans against Afghanistan and Al Qaeda, and then
some. Great voice was given to increasing our security abilities, to the
point that no public investigations into why 9/11 happened in the first
place could be allowed, because they would purportedly detract from the
war effort.
Now, as has been heard time and again, we must pre-emptively attack Iraq
to make sure they don't attack us. Virtually no proof of any threat to
America presented by Iraq has been offered by the Bush administration.
The war talk is based solely upon speculation and rhetoric about Saddam
Hussein's massive stockpile of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.

Herein lies the paradox: As reported threats and warnings came in from
everywhere in the months leading up to 9/11, threats and warnings of
such a dire nature that any self-respecting officeholder would be kept
up nights after hearing of them, absolutely nothing was done to address
them...until the Towers fell.
Meanwhile, virtually no evidence exists to support a cause for war
against Iraq. It stands to reason that if Hussein had these terrible
weapons, and we knew it, we would have gone in there months ago and
paved Iraq like a parking lot. No warnings, no threats, no basis for war
exists in credible form, and yet we rattle our saber and draw it ever
farther from the scabbard.
When Bush had the warnings, he did nothing, and America lost thousands
of civilians. Now, with no warnings nor threats, he prepares for a
battle that will slaughter tens of thousands more civilians. This is the
There are two possibilities. Either George W. Bush is the dumbest, most
incompetent, most utterly harebrained human ever to sit in the Oval
Office, or he is some dazzling breed of Uberman fiend bent upon dominion
over the earth. Either he's a total dimwitted dunderhead who cannot
understand a threat when it is wagged in his face, or he is an evil
genius who allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place so as to enhance his
political power, and now plans to attack Iraq to further entrench that
We crossed that bridge to the 21st century and found a troll living
beneath it. It is named George W. Bush, and it is either dumber than a
bag of doorknobs, or more fiendishly clever than any comic book
supervillain. Neither option is terribly palatable.
William <> Rivers Pitt is a teacher from
Boston, MA. His new book, 'The Greatest Sedition is Silence,' will be
published soon by Pluto Press.


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