virus: Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 08:52:47 -1000

From: Archibald Scatflinger (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 12:46:06 MDT

In the early 1970s the British documentary film-maker Peter Watkins made
"Punishment Park", a dystopian exploration of the possibility that the
US government would create internal
concentration camps for political dissidents. As the "War on
Terrorism" accelerates, these fears have been re-energized by
Attorney-General John Ashcroft's proposals to deal with "enemy
combatents". As the Australian debacle about illegal refugees shows,
these new initiatives can rapidly evolve beyond their original scope,
and when private companies are involved, may become unmoniterable by the
press and human rights advocates. Maybe Spielberg should have filmed
"Radio Free Albemuth" instead:

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