Re: virus: Killing Collaborators

Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 14:08:33 MDT

On 8 Aug 2002 at 6:59, rhinoceros wrote:

> Here is an study about Palestinians killing collaborators which I
> found at the Palestinian Birzeit University's site (
> It seems the Palestinian Authority has aknowledged the phenomenon of
> killing "collaborators" as a serious social problem during the first
> indifanda and they have been trying to address it. The problem
> involved various secular or religious groups taking the law upon
> themselves and targeting not only collaborators but also drug dealers,
> prostitutes and more. They quote numbers even higher than those quoted
> here, from Israeli IDF (942) and from Associated Press (771). It seems
> they don't give any slack, which might be explained by the fact that
> this phenomenon harms them too and challenges any authority. Of
> course, they also address the systematic practice of Israel to create
> thousands of collaborators, which largely enhances the effect.
> ==========================================
> Center For Research & Documentation of Palestinian Society
> Collaborators in The Occupied Territories, by Dr. Saleh Abdel Jawad &
> Yizhar Be'er (B'TSELEM, Feb. 1995) The phenomenon of Palestinian
> collaboration with Israeli "created an an air of ubiquitous fear
> and Orwellian intimidation," and led to the deaths of over nine
> hundred Palestinians -- collaborators and others -- at the hands of
> fellow Palestinians during the Intifada. This study is one of the most
> comprehensive studies of this complex and multifaceted issue.
> Introduction
> Interview with the author, Dr. Saleh Abdul Jawad
> Collaborators in the Occupied Territories (209 Pages, 362K)
> <snip from the introduction>
> Since 1967, the security forces have recruited tens of thousands of
> Palestinians from the territories to serve as collaborators. This was
> made possible in part by the great dependence of the Palestinians on
> services provided by the Israeli administration. In recruiting
> collaborators, the security forces used methods that contravene
> international law, such as providing certain services only on
> condition that the recipient cooperate with the authorities. They also
> resorted to extortion and pressure, and offered various inducements.
> The collaborators received preferential treatment from the
> authorities, and many of them took full advantage of their status.
> Collaborators, especially those who were armed, frequently used
> violence against other Palestinians, whether as part of their duties
> as collaborators or for personal motives. For these and other reasons,
> which are described in the report, broad sections of the Palestinian
> population fiercely objected to the activity of the collaborators.
> The vacuum created by the collapse of all systems of law-and-order in
> the territories (police, courts, and officers of the court) during the
> Intifada was filled by squads or cells identified with the various
> organizations, both Islamic and PLO-affiliated, which took it upon
> themselves to impose order. As such, among other activities, they set
> about punishing suspected collaborators. Punitive measures were also
> taken against Palestinians who did not serve the authorities as
> collaborators but who were defined as such because their behavior was
> considered harmful to the society or to the Palestinian struggle.
> During the Intifada, attacks on individuals who were branded
> collaborators obtained legitimation and even support from broad
> sections of the Palestinian population.
I thank you for this confirmation of my contention, rhinocerous.
> ----
> This message was posted by rhinoceros to the Virus 2002 board on
> Church of Virus BBS.
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