Re:virus: Gender and Nature in Contemporary NeoPaganism

Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 10:29:38 MDT

On 25 Jul 2002 at 4:12, kharin wrote:

> "I still consider that the ban was motivated by population/political
> concerns rather than by metaphysical ones."
> It's a somewhat uncertain point regarding the 'etymology' of the ban, though I suspect you're probably right. That said, I'm not sure that the origin is entirely relevant (a parallel might be the interpretation of the bequeathing of the earth to mainkind; I'm sure you're correct that the
dominant interpretation was an exploitative one, but I'm not sure why that should invalidate the stewardship interpretation now. I'm not aware of anything in the Bible that would contradict that, though obviously said text is not exactly my favourite bedside reading). The present problem remains
that acknowledging pleasure (sexual in this context) as a source of 'good' is not especially compatible with what christians are pleased to term 'christian morality.'
> "I also note that, as has come out recently, there has been another omerta operating, in the matter of the willing acceptance of homosexual clergy (of both genders, I'll wager) who for the last thousand years were officially exempted from the directive to 'be fruitful and multiply', so that
their loyalties would not be divided between church and family."
> Since you raise that issue, I would point out that the ordination of an Archbishop of Canterbury who has already observed that he has knowingly ordained non-celibate homosexual clergy has raised the prospect of a schism within the Anglican communion, something I do not expect to happen as a
consequence of any pro-environmental views the Archbishop may or may not happen to hold.
The same seems to be a problem in other sects, most notable
fundamentalist Protestant ones; however, many nonfundamentalist
Protestant sects seem willing to consider it a nonproblem. I also note
that the largest fundamentalist Protestant denomination in America - the
Southern Baptists - is itself presently undergoing a schism directly
related to the doctrines of women's subservience to their husbands and
their being forbidden Southern baptist ordination as pastors.
> ----
> This message was posted by kharin to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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