RE: virus: DRUGS

From: Blunderov (
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 07:05:46 MDT

'Oh frabjous day, callooh callay' L'Ermits back!

Frank Zappa once made some remarks to the effect that the drug laws were
contradictory in the sense that; while 'fast' suicides such as shootings
and leapings etc were perfectly legal, the same rights were not afforded
to drug users. He said everybody should be allowed to commit suicide as
slowly as they liked. Facetious perhaps, but not wrong.

'The war on drugs' could perhaps be idiomatically transposed into the
American expression 'fighting fire with gasoline'? That a nation so
intimately concerned with the law of supply-and-demand (and also the
ideal of individual freedom) should, Canute like, imprison so many of
it's citizens, is hugely contradictory.

Warm regards

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