Re:virus: My Inevitable Uber-post (was: The New Pledge of Allegiance)

From: Onikan (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 02:26:53 MDT

Interesting. I couldn't read it all. I have to commend you that I could never write a post that long. I could write an theses that long or longer, but... you spent a lot of time on that post. Neat.

Please read my post in the other thread.

You learn about American government from the media while I learn from a Dr. of Political Science who has spent the last 30-40 years carefully examining the American government. Not only did the Professor write two books on the subject, but he's an incredibly down-to-earth guy.

I remember him mentioning that he was as much anti-Government, anti-American, and punkish as you are in the World War II days. Except for one minor detail: He didn't run from his problem or give a bunch of excuses on why the world sucks, life sucks, American Government sucks... he joined the war on his own accord and drove tanks around in Europe fighting for the American Cause.

Your punk ideologies are virulent in a negative sense. I am incredibly biased against punks, gays, lesbians, etc. but I don't hate them. I disagree with their practices but I don't hate them. Punk ideologies (i.e. anarchic ideologies) are a healthy part of American Government. They question themselves why is America like this? Why is this happening? A lot of people don't do that. But when will they question, "How does the American Government work in reality?" CNN and the other media distorts the truth. I can't give you a full description on how I know this because quite frankly that would waste a lot of our time. Gay and lesbians... that's their natural sexuality. As long as they aren't making a move on me, my composture around them will remain equal as it is with any of my other friends, which include skinheads, neo-nazis, mexican mafia, etc.

I also find it quite interesting the individual groups in our nation express their hatred for certain "Americanisms." For example, the skinheads would like it if slavery wasn't abolished in the United States, but the punks are shouting, "Freedom for everyone!" The Neo-Nazis would just wish there was someone like Hitler who would take a stand against all religion and destroy them all. The Mexican Mafia would rather they get free beer, free women, and lots of cash. Then there's the American citizens and non-citizens who want lower taxes with more benefits. Just tell me how do you expect the government to comply with all of your wishes? If they can't please all groups, it's in their best interest to please themselves.

Once in awhile, I come across very intelligent members of the aforementioned groups. I won't state their names, but I will cite/summarize what they said:

A female punk replicated the same story you made here down to the intricate details like the founding of a nation on the graves of Indians. (Mind you it was the English, the Spanish, and the French that kill all those Indians. English: John Smith. Spanish: Columbus. French: Who cares?)

A tough skinhead told me that "in theory, if all ethnicities returned to their homelands, all would be well in White America."

A neo-nazi asked if I was religious and I replied, "Of course not." He told me that if I should ever believe in a God, or that Jews are right that I should hang myself after killing as many Jews and religious fucks that I can. (This was as intelligent a neo-nazi that I could get close to.)

Sometimes you have to let things slide and hope for the best. Because in the end, you won't be alive. You will die before you see the result you wanted. And if you see the result you wanted while you're alive, you are "one lucky mutha." I think it's very hypocritical to want a perfect government for you (i.e. a satisfactory government that meets your demands) but not be a perfect citizen for the country.

I do not disagree with anyone shouting out criticisms of America, but not all of America is awful. I live in California which is extremely separate from America. I see America through the media, through the learnings of professors, through the eyes and ears of American and anti-America protestors, and through books. I analyze the sights of the America that I see from a Californian point of view. In California, Southern California at best, we believe in helping our neighbors. Yes, we want the best for our people. We don't want the same things that happen on the East coast happening here in our beloved Golden Boot. And if the things we don't want happening in our state starting happening, we use our Golden Boot to kick those mishaps back to the East coast and the Mid-East.

If it's of any value, I would rather live in Nice, France. That is the most beautiful city on Earth. The food is spectacular and the women are the finest! It's Southern France which means it's a wealthy area and lots of tourists visit. But if you've ever been there you'll know what I'm talking about. There's few places in the United States that are that beautiful. There's the Grand Canyon, the Rockies, the Appalachians, etc. I don't really care what's beautiful in America because America is about economic freedom and economic prosperity. There's high taxes with low benefits which I disapprove of but that doesn't mean I'm going to move to Morroco or Bali.

More on this later when it's not 1:23AM. And if you're all willing to be receptive of each others' MATURE COMMENTS AND OPINIONS, I'll happily join in with some notes from class. I'm also happy to answer any questions you may have about political science. If it's a question I can't answer at the time, I will find the best answer and promptly deliver it to you.\\\\

Good night and good morning!

This message was posted by Onikan to the Virus 2002 board on Church of Virus BBS.

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