RE: virus: LOL..lady of faith?? desperate huh?

From: Yash (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 01:42:18 MST

I think you're doing it the hard way.

I think I'd rather do it this way:

1. There are algorithms to make a computer calculate the digits.
2. Find a simple algorithm to do that mentally.
3. Use that algorithm mentally to speak out he numbers.

I agree that point 2. above may itself be hard, but once you get there, 3
would be easy.

You haven't followed the original thread either: I do not particularly care
about Pi itself. I only used that as an example of the kind of things I'd
like to achieve.



-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Kalkor
Ask yourself how that Japanese guy could ramble on about the digits of pi
for 18 hours.

Or rather how you could go about doing that yourself.

More explicitly: "how could I efficiently recall XXX ddigits of pi".

[Kalkor] I learned the first 100 digits of pi while drunk, watching dune and
making out with my girlfriend. It can't be that hard to learn the next
500,000 ;-}

And I can still spew them all out trancelike, flawlessly on a moment's
notice. Strange how I couldn't write them down if my life depended on it,

But here's the real clincher: WHY?????? Pragmatism dictates giving PI past a
few dozen digits the finger. That's why we have mnemonics like "May I have a
large container of coffee?" and
I know, it's fun to know obscure things.... but who really needs to
calculate distances of parsecs to the millimeter? Not me, and damn glad am

What the hell is the point of this post? *sigh*


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