virus: Loser fraud...

From: L' Ermit (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 23:03:15 MST

[Mermaid 1]Its your word against mine about my intentions. *I* havent come
to any conclusions without studying the subject.

[Hermit 2] No, you possibly haven't - because you self-evidently can't study
the subject. Instead you paste screeds of irrelevancy about "Vedic Maths"
and don't read the replies which show why it is crap. But I was speaking to
your lame-brained assertions. If you know that they don't speak to your
intentions then I suggest you visit a good alienist.

[Hermit 1] Because the works give PI as "For example in the Baudhayana
Sulbasutra, as well as the value of 676/225, there appears 900/289 and
1156/361. In different Sulbasutras the values 2.99, 3.00, 3.004, 3.029,
3.047, 3.088, 3.1141, 3.16049 and 3.2022 can all be found; see [6]. In [3]
the value = 25/8 = 3.125 is found in the Manava Sulbasutras."

[Mermaid 1]Where are you quoting this from....

[Hermit 2] From the fucking source you fucking cited - after I did but you
claimed to have come up with it yourself. I am requoting the same text as I
sent a few minutes ago... No wonder you sound like a broken gramophone and
appear to be having an argument with somebody not on the list. If you don't
read what is written - including your own sources - you will never know what
is going on... Here, have it again. For fucks sake read it this time!

<snip Mermaid proving that her grasp on this argument and Harrapan history
is as tenuous as her grasp on reality>.

[Mermaid 1]Nevertheless, the 16 rules of Thirthaji has not been proved
wrong. It is not a 'code' as you claim. Not that you have any qualification
to do that, considering you neither know Sanskrit nor have you read the work
nor have you conducted a scientific study to prove that the rules do not
work. Most importantly, you have been attempting to include the 'religious'
and 'faith' and 'belief' angles...key words that would repel the audience
here so that they would take a position against anything that is associated
with the word, 'vedic' Kirk did...let us not forget that you are yet
prove to anyone that this has anything..whatsoever... to do with religion or
belief or prophecies of any kind...

[Hermit 2] As I have already pointed out in words that anybody with an
elementary comprehension of written English (which I now understand excludes
you) should understand, I have read enough of Tirthaji's fucking book - and
as it is written in English (which obviates the need to understand Sanskrit
to follow him, but I have many people here who are are competent in Sanskrit
and (unlike you it seems) familiar with the root works in question), and as
the book in question purports to speak on topics I evidently know a damn
side more about than you will ever dream of, I was able to determine that it
was a pile of crap without reading every word in it.

[Hermit 2] I have never contested the so called "16 rules" - just their
significance (You may add to that, their utility and novelty) and if you had
bothered to read the fucking arguments before launching your fuckwitted
global thermonuclear warfare in defense of a long dead bunch of primitives,
you would fucking know that my fucking argument is against the attribution
of a highly significant PI buried in a fucking prayer to a fucking god! If
you don't think that this is religious, then I don't know what you would
class as religious - but I think you are alone. Did you fall on your head
recently? Quoting again from "your" fucking source, "The next mathematics of
importance on the Indian subcontinent was associated with these religious
texts. It consisted of the Sulbasutras which were appendices to the Vedas
giving rules for constructing altars. They contained quite an amount of
geometrical knowledge, but the mathematics was being developed, not for its
own sake, but purely for practical religious purposes. The mathematics
contained in the these texts is studied in some
detail in the separate article on the Sulbasutras" So by any normal, English
speakers standards, the introduction of religion was not my fucking doing
but the introduction of the concept of "Vedic" Maths.

[Hermit 1] So they didn't fucking understand the nature of PI - never mind
its value to a number of places that it took another 4000 years to
determine. So they couldn't make up mnemonics to remember it. That's why.

<snip more - read "your" own fucking sources ->

[Mermaid 1] was not a formula for the determination of Pi. It IS an
Mneumonic aid...

[Hermit 2] It is not. At the time the text in question (a prayer - DUH!)was
first said, the language didn't exist. By the time it was written down, the
Indians still thought that PI was something you ate. This whole piece of
crap is because of the spurious fucking assignment of a "translation key" by
Tirthaji in the late 19th Century, to a piece of a prayer, in order that he
could make the claim that the "prayer" contained PI and give more glory to
his gods and his ancestors. Are you sure you are not doing the same thing,
because it sure looks to me as if that is exactly what you are doing.

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